
20240719 (v1.3.13) - Suppose GCS keys, etc.
20230908 (v1.3.10) - Use ABS keys same as AWS keys.
20230706 (v1.3.9)  - Add uploadToFTP method.
20230505           - Added 64-bit Linux/ARM build
20230428 (v1.3.8)  - Rebuilt with CSDK version 20230425
20230127 (v1.3.7)  - Fix to useragent function.
20221207 (v1.3.5)  - Support gzip compression
20221103 (v1.3.4)  - Factor out default converters
20220921 (v1.3.3)  - Build for python 3.10
20220715           - Supplying None for password prompts via getpass()
20220419 (v1.3.2)  - Slicing a column now returns a RowIterator
20220415           - Add transactional Addtab
20220331 (v1.3.1)  - v1.3.1
20220310           - Release UID if login fails
20220323           - Add sampoolstatus()
20211101           - Expose "compression" parameter in saveFile
20211122 (v1.3.0)  - Add python3.10 for Win64 (& remove 2.7)
20211119           - Add python3.10 for OSX
20211118           - Upgrade to manylinux2014 build platform
                   - Drop python3.5, add 3.10
20211012           - Change mutex wrapping
20210924           - SSO session possess support
20210806           - Upgrade build platform: remove python2.7, add 3.9
20210805 (v1.2.0)  - Add signal handling (cysignals)
20210601 (v1.1.10) - Add support for Python3.8, etc, on Windows.
20210316           - Add SSO/External authentication login
20210217 (v1.1.7)  - Version 1.1.7
20210128 (v1.1.6)  - Version 1.1.6
20201208           - User-settable conversion functions.
20201207           - Compile for Python3.8 and Python3.9 on OSX.
20200903           - Compile for Python3.8 on Linux.
20200728           - Add "debugAccum()" method to Session.
                   - Add "peekOnce()" method to Session.
20200716 (v1.1.5)  - Performance improvement in dictslice()
20200130 (v1.1.4)  - Added API2.0 support in Session
                   - Fixed bug in warmpool
20200115 (v1.1.3)  - Added a lot of new and expanded docstrings.
                   - Added SourceInfo.getWorksheets()
                   - Replaced some constants with enums
                   - Added inherit_users option to merge & materialize
20191111 (v1.1.2)  - Added "stop" method to Session objects.
20190830 (v1.1.1)  - Added "rawValues" option to Column and Query objects.

20190625 (v1.1) - Improved building machinery, including building wheel files.
                - S3 key management support
                - S3 file uploading/saving support
                - Support for autospec transaction on a file
                - Support for Python3.7, including on MacOS

20190129 (v1.0.7) - Add optional argument 'compression' to saveToFTP
                    function that can take values "zip" (default) or "none" to
                    specify if the saved file should be compressed or not.

20171220 (v1.0.6) - Add PowerLoader (addTable) support
                  - Permit logging before session login
                  - Permit setting session parameters to ignore SSL errors
                    before login More build portability and testing

20171110 (v1.0.5) - Added UCS4 Python2.7 build

20171102 (v1.0.4) - Changed windows python2.7 build.
                  - Changed Linux python2.7 build.

20170918 (v1.0.3) - Fixed compatibility issues with Linux builds.

20170612 (v1.0.2) - Fixed compatibility problems with python3.

20170518 (v1.0.1) - Added version information.
                  - Set UserAgent string properly (including version info).
                  - Improved build tools.
                  - Added pool warming/resetting.
                  - Fixed an incompatability with versions of 1010data
                    older than 9.18.

20170407 (v1.0) - Initial general release.

20170210 (v0.9) - Beta testing.