Shared Access Management (SAM)

1010data Shared Access Management (SAM) pools provide a way to share a limited number of user accounts with a larger group of people and processes.

SAM pools can be used to provide 1010data to a group of users on demand or to provide concurrent processes in an application with access to multiple 1010data sessions.

SAM pools retrieve user IDs from 1010data user groups. To make SAM pools easier to work with and to avoid errors and mistakes in your applications, there are some rules that should be followed when configuring a group for use with SAM pools.
  • When you log in to 1010data with a SAM pool, you must use the user ID and password of the owner of the SAM pool, not the group ID. See the example below.
  • Use the same password for all the IDs in the SAM pool. While not required, it makes your code more concise and easier to manage.
  • Groups should not be members of your SAM pool group. If a group is a member of the SAM pool, it will be returned as a user ID. A login transaction conducted with a group ID will fail.
  • Make sure all the IDs in your group have the same permissions and object access. This will ensure that the same data and features are available to anyone who retrieves an ID from the SAM Pool.
  • The IDs in your SAM Pool should belong to that group and that group only.

Example: SAM pool IDs

Group ID: sam_pool

Owner: sam_pool_01

Users: sam_pool_01, sam_pool_02, sam_pool_03, sam_pool_04

Title: 1010data SAM Pool

Log in with the UID of the SAM pool owner, or sam_pool_01. If you log in with the group ID (sam_pool), the login will fail.