clear (Clear the cache)

Once the results of a query are retrieved or saved, it often makes sense to free up virtual memory before running another query. The clear transaction removes completed operations from the session workspace to free the memory.

Query string

The query string in the HTTP header must contain the following parameters:

Specify the name of the API transaction.
Specify the version of the API that should handle the requested transaction.

For the most up-to-date version, use apiversion=3.

Specify a valid 1010data user name.
Specify a valid password for the 1010data user name provided to the uid parameter.
Note: The pswd value should be the encrypted password returned from the login transaction.
The session ID for the current API session.

This value is returned by the login transaction and must be provided to every transaction (except login).

kill (optional)
Valid values for kill are as follows:
Terminate the existing session and start a new one.
Do not terminate the existing session.

If no session exists, a new one will be created. If a session does exist, an error is returned.

Note: If kill=no and a session is active, the system returns an error.
Log in and possess the existing session.
Authenticate with the system but do not kill, possess, or start any session.

The default is yes.

Be careful: Do not use the clear transaction until you are finished saving or retrieving the results of the first query. If you do, the system will have to recompute the results from scratch.

XML input to server

No input is necessary for the clear transaction.

XML response from server

The clear transaction returns XML containing the following elements:

The return code generated by the transaction. For a list of return codes, see Return codes.
The message returned by the system. Specific messages correspond to specific return codes.
The amount of memory, in bytes, that represents the current workspace available in the session after the cache is cleared.

Query string example$UID&pswd=$PSWD&sid=$SID

XML response example

    <msg>Cache cleared</msg>