Column data types

A column's data type may be one of the following:

PowerLoader type Description Notes Loader type
text A string (symbol) Identical to type string `` S
string A string (symbol) Identical to type text `` S
cmatrix A string (ragged) `` C
int Textual representation of an integer. `` I
float Textual representation of a float. `` F
bigint Textual representation of 64 bit integer. `` J
1Btext Binary one byte character `` c
1Bint Binary one byte integer `` b
2Bint Binary two byte integer `` s
4Bint Binary four byte integer `` i
8Bint Binary eight byte integer `` j
4Bfloat Binary four byte float `` f
8Bfloat Binary eight byte float `` d
dec Binary coded decimal `` dec
exp A string expression `` exp
signed NA
intag NA
yyyymmdd Date in YYYYMMDD format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMMDD `` 3
yymmdd Date in YYMMDD format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMMDD `` 3
mmddyy Date in MMDDYY format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMMDD `` 2
ddmmyy Date in DDMMYY format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMMDD `` 1
mmddyyyy Date in MMDDYYYY format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMMDD `` 2
ddjanyyyy Date in MMJANYYYY format. NOT tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMMDD NA
yyyymm Year and Month in YYYYMM format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMM NA
yymm Year and Month in YYMM format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMM NA
mmyy Year and Month in MMYY format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMM NA
mmyyyy Year and Month in MMYYYY format. Tolerant of decoration. Converts to an integer whose value is YYYYMM NA
hhmmss Time in HH:MM:SS format. Tolerant of decoration Converts to an integer whose value is [H]HMMSS NA
yyyymmdd_hhmmss Timestamp in YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS. Tolerant of decoration in date field only. Converts to a _T timestamp `` Z
D Date in YYYYMMDD format. NOT tolerant of decoration Converts to an _T date which will be an integer for start of day. `` D
T Time in HH:MM:SS. Colons are required. NOT tolerant of any other kind of decoration. Converts to a float representing the fraction of the day that has passed. `` T
5 mdy_00:00:00.0000 (_T format _jd[date]+(fraction of day) e.g. "AUG-28-2017T10:30:15.123Z-0400" ``5

"Tolerant of decoration" means that 'YYYY-MM-DD' is treated the same as YYYYMMDD.