G_Function Recap

When you are planning a new data aggregation, summarization, or Quick Query, G_Functions are often the best way to build your analysis. The G_Function library offered by 1010data gives you many more options than standard tabulations for performing calculations across entire data sets. G_Functions are also optimized to work with 1010data's powerful system architecture, so your results are returned faster. And lastly, G_Functions let you retain all the information in your table, as opposed to eliminating columns that didn't apply directly to your summary.

When you do decide to use G_Functions, keep in mind that there are a few rules that will keep you on track. Keep the following things in mind when using a G_Function:

  • Make sure you understand how the table you're working with is Segmented
  • If you only need to aggregate by specific values for a group, make sure you create a Selection Column
  • Know your parameters:
    • G is the group you're aggregating by (i.e., store numbers)
    • X is the data you are acting on with the G_Function (i.e., adding up sales figures)
    • S is the Selection Column that will include or exclude values in a group (i.e., 0 for exclude, 1 for include)
    • O is the order in which the results will be sorted
  • Use G_Functions in tandem to really create fast, powerful reports and summaries

Of course, we only scratched the surface of G_Functions in this tutorial. Look for future tutorials that will examine how to use more advanced G_Functions, as well as specific analyses that use G_Functions. But for now, start slowly, explore the function library, and build something that answers an interesting question.