Logical Functions

Excel Function 1010data Function Description
IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false) if(C1;R1;C2;R2;...;D) Returns the value corresponding to the first condition that evaluates to true; if no conditions are true, returns the specified default value.
IFNA(value, value_if_na ) ifnull(X;Y) Returns a specified value when the value in a given column is N/A.
AND(logical_test1, [logical_test2], ...) g_and(G;S;X) For Excel, it returns TRUE if all given conditions are true for a specified value or FALSEotherwise. For 1010data, it returns a boolean value indicating whether all values within a given group are true.
OR( logical_test1, [logical_test2], ...) g_or(G;S;X) For Excel, it returns TRUE if any one of a set given conditions is true for a specified value or FALSEnone are true. FOr 1010data, it returns a boolean value indicating whether any value within a given group is true.