Getting started
Before you start writing your first application that connects to the 1010data Insights Platform, you need to download the Java SDK files.
The 1010data Java SDK is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You must have Java 1.6 or higher installed on your system.
You can download the zip file for the Java SDK from It contains three folders, bin, doc, and examples. The bin folder contains the SDK library files in the com folder.
Unzip the JavaSDKv2 zip file and add the com
directory into a folder on your Java CLASSPATH
or into your working
Using the single sign-on (SSO) feature
If you want to use the SSO feature of the Java SDK, you also need to copy the file
to any directory on the PATH. Check your PATH environment
variable for a list of directories by typing echo %PATH%
(Windows) or
echo $PATH
(macOS/Linux) on the command line.
Example projects
- AllTypes
- Casts Insights Platform data types (text, integer, decimal, bigint, date, time, and date+time) into their appropriate Java types.
- ColumnWriter
- Prints the columns of a table one at a time.
- RowWriter
- Prints the rows of a table one at a time.
- SimpleThread
- Uses two threads to create two session objects, retrieves information from two tables, and downloads the data into two separate files.
- TTPager
- Displays a complex web server example using multiple threads.