Invoking a QuickApp from the Dynamic API

You can treat any QuickApp as a Dynamic API endpoint by invoking /api/[path_to_quickapp].

Using the new endpoint

If you want multiple copies of the same QuickApp to run simultaneously, you can launch your QuickApp by posting to /api/new/[path_to_quickapp]. This serves a value widget that will contain the numeric tag of the spawned QuickApp. You can then fetch the actual QuickApp via /api/[tag_number]. See the new endpoint for more information.

The index widget

If you name a widget within your QuickApp index, it will be served instead of the widget status table when requesting the top level QuickApp. This is most useful when you have only a single widget in your QuickApp. For example, when you log into the API from the GUI, using https://[host]/[1010-version]/api, you are directed to the /index endpoint by default. The source code for this endpoint is available through the Object Manager as default.api.index. The code consists of a single widget called "index":

<base table="default.lonely"/>
<!-- api index -->
    <widget name="index" navcol_="name">
        <layer name="apidoc">
        <h1><tt>index</tt> of 1010data API Endpoints</h1>
        <p>The following endpoints are available:</p>
        <directory folder="default.api"/>
        <willbe name="name" value="strpick(path;'.';-1)"/>
        <colord cols="name,title"/>
        <!-- no point linking to ourselves -->
        <sel value="name<>'index'"/>
Note: Currently, there is no easy way to fetch the status table if you name a widget index.

URL conventions

The Dynamic API uses certain conventions when parsing URLs in client applications. See Appendix: URL conventions for a complete reference.