flushPool (Flush a SAM pool)

Sets a flag for all busy IDs so that the next time you call reluid on one of those IDs, the ID also logs out.

You may want to periodically request your IDs to start new sessions due to memory overconsumption. You may also want to request IDs to update their view of the database if a table or set of tables have been updated. In these cases, you can use flushPool.

flushPool terminates all sessions once they have been released back into the pool. It will not terminate any allocated or busy sessions.

The SAM pool group owner and the admin of the owner's company can call flushPool. This command does not actually log in the requesting ID.

The flushPool function takes the following parameters:
  • The URL of the 1010data gateway (url)
  • Group owner user ID (owner)
  • Group owner password (password)
  • The name of the group to be flushed (groupID)
flushPool(url, owner, password, groupID)