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This guide contains the information you need to start developing with the Python language in the 1010data Insights Platform.
You can use Python to build query operations or ops in the 1010data Macro Language.
The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet (TRS) timeline makes it easy to insert Python code into your analysis.
You can use the Macro Language tag <resource> to define a resource for Macro Language using Python code. You can also use <def_ufun> and <def_gfun> to define your own Python functions within the Macro Language Workshop.
The following section contains 1010data-supplied functions for interfacing with the Insights Platform.
The following section contains the 1010data-supplied functions that can be placed within a tabulation (<tabu>) in Macro Language code.
You can use the 1010data graphics widget to create charts in Python.
The following table maps data types from 1010data to Python.