<advise> (Specify segmentation relationships)

Specifies how different columns are related in a segby or sortseg operation.


Attribute Value
<sort> Either 0 for segby or 1 for sortseg


<advise> is used within the <segmentation> tag to establish a relationship between the segmentation of two columns.


<segmentation cols="col1,col2" [advise="0"]>
  <advise [sort="1"] cols="col1,col3"/>

The <segmentation> block can contain an arbitrary number of <advise> tags. Each advise tag indicates that a particular sequence of columns is also sortseg or segby, given the segmentation enforced in the <segmentation> tag’s cols attribute. For example, if you have your table segby "day", then it is probably also segby "month". If for some reason you want to enforce segmentation by a particular column (or columns), but not to include it in the list of advised columns the "advise=0" attribute may be included in the <segmentation> tag.