<table> (Top-level wrapper for table tree)

The table tree is required and may have one attribute (name) and must contain certain elements.


Attribute Value
name Name of table (required)
mode replace, append, or noreplace
makets Whether this is time series data. Valid values are 0 (not a time series) or 1 (time series)
owner The user ID of the owner of the table
userdatename User specified date column name
userdatelabel User specified date column label
userdatetimename User specified date+time column name
userdatetimelabel User specified date+time column label

If the table corresponds to a table in the 1010data system, this is the full path to the table in the 1010data database hierarchy.

In general, a path has the form:


(similar to a Windows or Unix file-system path but with dots instead of slashes)

The name of a table can be determined by clicking Info > About this Table in the 1010data web interface.

If the table does not correspond to a table in the 1010data system, name has no meaning and is omitted.




Each of the following elements is described in detail on its own page. <cols> and <data> are always present; the others may be omitted.

Element Description
<title> Title of table
<sdesc> Short description of table
<ldesc> Long description of table
<link> Link header
<maxdown> Download limit
<cols> Column meta information
<links> Specify the tables that are linked to the table
<users> Permissions information for users
<segmentation> Specify the columns to segment by and if the segmentation is segby or sortseg.
<sort> Specify the sorting of the data
<data> Table data