<users> (Top-level wrapper for users)

The users tree may have one attribute (type) and, depending on the value of that attribute, may contain multiple instances of the <user> element.


Attribute Value
type The type of access specification (optional)
type may have one of the following values:
  • private - No user, other than the table's owner, may access the table.
  • list - Only the table's owner and users listed in the users tree may access the table.
  • inherit - All users that have access to the table's parent directory may access the table.

If omitted, the default is private.

A user with access to a table's parent directory, but not to the table itself, will not see the table in the directory's listing.

Note that a user's access to any table is subject to the user's "maximum row limit." The largest table (in terms of number of rows) that a user may access is dependent on the user's subscription level. If a user is granted access to a table via the users tree, but the table has more rows than the user's maximum row limit, the user will see the table's title in the directory listing but will be unable to access it.


If type="private" or type="inherit", <users> must be empty.

If type="list", <users> must contain one or more <user> elements, each identifying a single user or group.