<links> (Top-level wrapper for links)

<links> can contain an arbitrary number of <link> tags, which act a wrapper used by the addtab transaction.




<links> can contain an arbitrary number of <link> tags, which act a wrapper used by the addtab transaction to create a persistent link between two tables along a set of columns or to bring some subset of columns from a second table into the base table. Its basic syntax is given as follows.


  <link table2="foreign.table.name" col="col1,col2" col2="fcol1,fcol2" [denormalize="1"] />

This syntax specifies that the table referenced by the table2 attribute within the <link> tag should be joined along the columns indicated in the col and col2 attributes. If the denormalize attribute is present, columns from the foreign table are denormalized into the base table, otherwise a prelink between the two tables is generated. In the general case, any valid <link> operation that could be applied in the 1010data Macro Language can be included in the <links> block.