Specify conditions for widget validation

While a widget is in an invalidated state, you can hide the widget so that it is not visible to the user. You may want to require that certain conditions are met for a widget to be validated.

For example, when the user clicks an item in the list widget, you might want to display a graphics widget showing a line graph of the sales for that item over a particular time period. However, you would not want to display the graphics widget if the user has not selected anything in the list widget. You can do this by setting the require_ attribute for the graphics widget to be true only when the dynamic variable associated with the list widget has been set to something.

To specify conditions for widget validation:

  1. Add a dynamic variable that holds the value of the item selected in the list widget.
    <dynamic selection="19" product_master="pub.doc.retail.product" 
     sales_detail="pub.doc.retail.salesdetail" aggregate_by="groupdesc_prod"
     mode_="auto" display_chart="1" clicked_value="" list_title="PRODUCT LIST"
          <widget class_="list" base_="{@product_master}" 
           width_="500" maxheight_="600"
           require_="{@clicked_value <> ''}" invmode_="hide"
           label_="{@list_title}" value_="@list_selection">
            <if test="{@aggregate_by = 'brand_prod'}">
                <sel value="(brand='{@clicked_value}')"/>
                <sel value="(groupdesc='{@clicked_value}')"/>
            <colord cols="sku,description"/>
            <sort col="description" dir="up"/>

    The list_selection dynamic variable is set to the value of the item selected in the list widget.

    Note: This list widget allows the user to select multiple items at the same time, in which case the list_selection dynamic variable is set to a comma-separated list of those items. For the purposes of this tutorial, however, it is assumed that the user selects only one item in the list widget at a time.
  2. Add a graphics widget that displays a line chart of the total sales over time for a specified period.
    <dynamic selection="19" product_master="pub.doc.retail.product" 
     sales_detail="pub.doc.retail.salesdetail" aggregate_by="groupdesc_prod"
     mode_="auto" display_chart="1" clicked_value="" list_title="PRODUCT LIST"
     list_selection="" startdate="20140101" enddate="20140131">
          <widget class_="list" base_="{@product_master}" 
           width_="500" maxheight_="600"
           require_="{@clicked_value <> ''}" invmode_="hide"
           label_="{@list_title}" value_="@list_selection">
            <if test="{@aggregate_by = 'brand_prod'}">
                <sel value="(brand='{@clicked_value}')"/>
                <sel value="(groupdesc='{@clicked_value}')"/>
            <colord cols="sku,description"/>
            <sort col="description" dir="up"/>
          <widget class_="graphics" base_="{@sales_detail}" 
           width_="800" height_="400" invmode_="hide"
           require_="{@list_selection <> ''}" >
            <if test="{@list_selection <> ''}">
              <sel value="between(trans_date;{@startdate};{@enddate})"/>
              <sel value="(sku={@list_selection})"/>
              <tabu label="Tabulation on Sales Detail" breaks="trans_date,sku">
                <tcol source="xsales" fun="sum" name="tot_sales_by_date" 
                 label="Sum of`Extended`Sales" format="type:currency"/>
              <willbe name="date" value="trans_date" format="type:date4y"/>
                <chart type="line">
                  <axes xlabel="Date"/>
                  <data x="date" y="tot_sales_by_date"/>
                  <ticks xrot="45"/>
                  <style xaxissize="10" yaxissize="10"/>

    The base_ attribute, which is set to the value of the sales_detail dynamic variable, specifies that the new graphics widget uses the table that contains the sales data. The require_ attribute indicates that the widget is invalidated if the list_selection dynamic variable is equal to the empty string (i.e., nothing has been selected in the list widget). The invmode_ attribute specifies that the widget is hidden when invalidated.

    The query associated with the new graphics widget first does a selection on a date range specified by two dynamic variables that have been added to the opening <dynamic> tag: startdate and enddate. In this example, these dynamic variables hold static values; however, if you wanted to give the QuickApp more flexibility, you could add a date widget to allow the user to select those values. For this tutorial, the static values are used.

    The query then selects the rows in the table where the value in the sku column matches the value of the item selected in the list widget and performs a tabulation that calculates the sum of sales for that SKU. The <willbe> takes the dates in the trans_date column and simply formats them as MM/DD/YYYY so that they can be displayed properly on the x-axis of the graph.

    Finally, the <graphspec> specifies the type of chart (line), as well as the label of the x-axis, the data used for the x-axis and y-axis, the degrees of rotation of the ticks on the x-axis, and the font size of the values on the axes.

Because of the condition specified in the require_ attribute for the new graphics widget, the graphics widget will be invalidated and subsequently hidden if the list_selection dynamic variable is set to the empty string. Therefore, the new graphics widget will only be displayed once a selection has been made in the list widget.

If the user clicks a different item in the grid widget, the list widget will be refreshed to show the SKUs related to the new item. The line chart related to the previously selected SKU in the list widget should no longer be shown. To hide the graphics widget containing the line chart, you can simply set list_selection to the empty string in the <do> clause where onchange_="@clicked_value".

  1. Set list_selection to the empty string in the <do> clause where onchange_="@clicked_value".
    <dynamic selection="19" product_master="pub.doc.retail.product" 
     sales_detail="pub.doc.retail.salesdetail" aggregate_by="groupdesc_prod"
     mode_="auto" display_chart="1" clicked_value="" list_title="PRODUCT LIST"
     list_selection="" startdate="20140101" enddate="20140131">
      <do onchange_="@aggregate_by,@selection">
        <set clicked_value=""/>
      <do onchange_="@clicked_value">
        <set list_title="{@clicked_value} PRODUCT LIST"/>
        <set list_selection=""/>
      <layout background_="lightblue" border_="10">
        <widget class_="dropdown" base_="{@product_master}" 
         inputwidth_="250" value_="@selection"
         label_="Department:" labelwidth_="75">

Furthermore, just as in Do something when a variable changes, if the user changes a value in the Department or Aggregate by drop-down widgets, the new graphics widget should be hidden until the user makes a new selection in the list widget. To hide the graphics widget in this case, set list_selection to the empty string in the <do> clause where onchange_="@aggregate_by,@selection".

  1. Set list_selection to the empty string in the <do> clause where onchange_="@aggregate_by,@selection".
    <dynamic selection="19" product_master="pub.doc.retail.product" 
     sales_detail="pub.doc.retail.salesdetail" aggregate_by="groupdesc_prod"
     mode_="auto" display_chart="1" clicked_value="" list_title="PRODUCT LIST"
     list_selection="" startdate="20140101" enddate="20140131">
      <do onchange_="@aggregate_by,@selection">
        <set clicked_value=""/>
        <set list_selection=""/>
      <do onchange_="@clicked_value">
        <set list_title="{@clicked_value} PRODUCT LIST"/>
        <set list_selection=""/>
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Click an item in the grid widget (e.g., SOFT DRINKS SINGLES).

    The list widget appears as expected.

  4. Click an item in the list widget (e.g., A&W ROOTBEER SNGLE+CRV).

    The graphics widget containing the line chart appears to the right of the list widget.

Changing the selection in the list widget automatically updates the graphics widget containing the line chart, since its query uses the value of list_selection.

  1. Click a different item in the list widget (e.g., CANADA DRY ALE+CRV).

    The graphics widget containing the line chart is updated to reflect the new selection in the list widget.

If the user selects a different group description in the grid widget, the list widget is updated accordingly, and the graphics widget containing the line chart is hidden, since list_selection is set to the empty string in the <do> clause where onchange_="@clicked_value".

  1. Click an item in the grid widget (e.g., ENERGY DRINKS).

    The list widget is updated to show the item descriptions associated with the group description selected in the grid widget, and the graphics widget containing the line chart is hidden.

  2. Click an item in the list widget (e.g., AMP ENERGY ELEVATE+CRV).

    The graphics widget containing the line chart appears to the right of the list widget.

If the user changes a value in the Department or Aggregate by drop-down widgets, both the list widget and the graphics widget containing the line chart are hidden because the clicked_value and list_selection dynamic variables are each set to the empty string in the <do> clause where onchange_="@aggregate_by,@selection".

  1. Select Brand from the Aggregate by drop-down menu.

    The grid widget and graphics widget containing the bar chart are invalidated and blocked, and the list widget and graphics widget containing the line chart are hidden.

  2. Click Run.

    The grid widget and graphics widget containing the bar chart are updated, and the list widget and graphics widget containing the line chart are still invalidated and remain hidden.

Cumulative QuickApp code

The Macro Language code for the QuickApp up to this point is:

<defblock name="sales_by_date" prod_table="" department="" group_by="">
  <link table2="{@prod_table}" col="sku" col2="sku" 
   suffix="_prod" type="select">
    <sel value="dept={@department}"/>
  <tabu label="Tabulation on Sales Detail" breaks="{@group_by}">
    <tcol source="xsales" fun="sum" name="tot_sales" 
     label="Sum of`Extended Sales" format="type:currency"/>
  <sort col="tot_sales" dir="down"/>
  <sel value="({@group_by} <> '')"/>
<dynamic selection="19" product_master="pub.doc.retail.product" 
 sales_detail="pub.doc.retail.salesdetail" aggregate_by="groupdesc_prod" 
 mode_="auto" display_chart="1" clicked_value="" list_title="PRODUCT LIST" 
 list_selection="" startdate="20140101" enddate="20140131">
  <do onchange_="@aggregate_by,@selection">
    <set clicked_value=""/>
    <set list_selection=""/>
  <do onchange_="@clicked_value">
    <set list_title="{@clicked_value} PRODUCT LIST"/>
    <set list_selection=""/>
  <layout background_="lightblue" border_="10">
    <widget class_="dropdown" base_="{@product_master}" 
     inputwidth_="250" value_="@selection" 
     label_="Department:" labelwidth_="75">
      <tabu label="Tabulation on Product Master" breaks="deptdesc">
        <break col="deptdesc" sort="up"/>
        <tcol source="dept" name="dept" fun="first" label="First`Department"/>
      <colord cols="dept,deptdesc"/>
    <widget class_="dropdown" value_="@aggregate_by" 
     label_="Aggregate by:" labelwidth_="75" inputwidth_="250">
    <widget class_="checkbox" label_="Display Chart" 
    <widget class_="button" text_="Run" type_="submit"/>
      <widget class_="text" text_="Current selection: {@selection}"/>
      <widget class_="grid" base_="{@sales_detail}" 
       insert_="sales_by_date" prod_table="{@product_master}" 
       department="{@selection}" group_by="{@aggregate_by}" 
       invmsg_="Click Run for changes to take effect" 
       clickable_="{@aggregate_by}" value_="@clicked_value"/>
      <widget class_="graphics" base_="{@sales_detail}" width_="800" 
       insert_="sales_by_date" prod_table="{@product_master}" 
       department="{@selection}" group_by="{@aggregate_by}" 
       invmsg_="Click Run for changes to take effect" 
       visible_="{@display_chart}" holdfor_="@aggregate_by,@selection">
          <chart type="bar">
            <data x="{@aggregate_by}" y="tot_sales"/>
            <ticks xrot="45"/>
            <style xaxissize="10" yaxissize="10"/>
      <widget class_="list" base_="{@product_master}" 
       width_="500" maxheight_="600" 
       require_="{@clicked_value <> ''}" invmode_="hide" 
       label_="{@list_title}" value_="@list_selection">
        <if test="{@aggregate_by = 'brand_prod'}">
            <sel value="(brand='{@clicked_value}')"/>
            <sel value="(groupdesc='{@clicked_value}')"/>
        <colord cols="sku,description"/>
        <sort col="description" dir="up"/>
      <widget class_="graphics" base_="{@sales_detail}" 
       width_="800" height_="400" invmode_="hide" 
       require_="{@list_selection <> ''}">
        <if test="{@list_selection <> ''}">
          <sel value="between(trans_date;{@startdate};{@enddate})"/>
          <sel value="(sku={@list_selection})"/>
          <tabu label="Tabulation on Sales Detail" breaks="trans_date,sku">
            <tcol source="xsales" fun="sum" name="tot_sales_by_date" 
             label="Sum of`Extended`Sales" format="type:currency"/>
          <willbe name="date" value="trans_date" format="type:date4y"/>
            <chart type="line">
              <axes xlabel="Date"/>
              <data x="date" y="tot_sales_by_date"/>
              <ticks xrot="45"/>
              <style xaxissize="10" yaxissize="10"/>