Date and Time Functions

SQL Function 1010data Function Description
NOW() @now_ Returns the current date and time.
CURDATE() @today_ Returns the current date.
DATE(date) date(X) Returns the date portion of a date+time value.
EXTRACT(unit FROM date) year(X) Returns the year portion of a date-related value.
month(X) Returns the month portion of a date-related value.
day(X) Returns the day portion of a date-related value.
quarter(X) Returns the quarter corresponding to a date-related value.
yrmo(X) Returns the month form of a date-related value.
yrqtr(X) Returns the quarter form of a date-related value.
hour(X) Returns the hour portion of a time-related value.
minute(X) Returns the minutes portion of a time-related value.
second(X) Returns the seconds portion of a time-related value.
secs(X) Returns the number of seconds from midnight to a time-related value.
DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL expr type) shift(X;Y) Returns the date-related value shifted by the amount specified.
shiftmonths(X;Y;E) Returns the date-related value shifted by the number of months specified.
DATEDIFF(date1,date2) days(X;Y) Returns the number of days between two date-related values.
DAYOFWEEK(date) dayofwk(X) Returns the integer value corresponding to the day of the week of a date-related value.