String Functions

SQL Function 1010data Function Description
CAST(expr AS type) string(X) Returns the input value expressed as a text string.
CHAR_LENGTH(str) strlen(X) Returns the number of characters in a given string.
CONCAT_WS() splice(X;Y) Returns a string consisting of the list of given values concatenated together using the specified separator.
colunion(X;Y) Returns a string consisting of the union of values from a given set of columns concatenated together using the specified separator, sorted in ascending order.
INSERT(str,pos,len,newstr) stredit(X;P;N;Y) Returns a given string, with a specified number of characters starting at a certain position replaced by a given substring.
INSTR(str,subst) strfind(X;Y;I) For SQL, the position of the first occurrence of the substring in the given string is returned. For 1010data, the position within a given string of a particular occurrence of a given substring is returned.
LEFT(str,len) first(X;Y) Returns a string consisting of the first number of characters of a given string.
LOWER(str) strdowncase(X) Returns the given string with all uppercase characters converted to lowercase.
lowercase(X) Returns a given string converted to all lowercase.
MID(str,pos,len) strextract(X;P;N) Returns the specified number of characters, starting at a certain position, extracted from a given string.
REPEAT(str,count) strrepeat(X;N) Return the given string repeated a certain number of times.
REPLACE(str,from_str,to_str) strsubst(X;Y;I;Z) For SQL, all occurrences of the substring, from_str, within the specified string, are replaced with to_str. For 1010data, the given string with a particular occurrence (or all occurrences) of a given substring replaced with a different substring is returned.
repstr(X;L) For SQL, all occurrences of the substring, from_str, within the specified string, are replaced with to_str. For 1010data, the given string with substrings replaced based on a given list of string pairs is returned.
RIGHT(str,len) last(X;Y) Returns a string consisting of the last number of characters of a given string.
TRIM([BOTH|LEADING|TRAILING] remstr FROM str) strtrim(X;Y;C;D) Returns the given string with certain characters trimmed from either or both ends.
UPPER() strupcase(X) Returns the given string with all lowercase characters converted to uppercase.
uppercase(X) Returns a given string converted to all uppercase.