System variables

System variables provide an easy way to reference specific information about the system, the data being worked on, and the active user's session, among other useful pieces of information.

System variables are relevant in the vector context, such as in <willbe> and <sel> value expressions. System variables include the _ suffix to differentiate them from column names.

System variable Description
i_ Row number in the current view
i_(B) Sticky row number in current view

B specifies a starting base number for the enumeration. The default is 1.

ii_(B) Enumeration of duplicate rows for each original row after performing a selection expansion (i.e., <sel expand="1">)

B specifies a starting base number for the enumeration. The default is 1.

n_ Number of rows in the current view
n_() Sticky number of rows in the current view
rn_ Row number in the original table
ri_ Row index relative to segment in the original table
zi_ Virtual column of integer zeros
zr_ Virtual column of real zeros
colord_ The current column order of the worksheet or table
dlpath_ Path of directory where data is stored
mach_ Internal designation of server on which data is being processed
name_ Path of this table, or N/A if it is a tabulation or other virtual table
orign_ Number of rows in original table
origname_ Path of the original table (pre-tabulation)
origtitle_ Title of the original table (pre-tabulation)
port_ Internal designation of port number for process handling data
rca_ Takes on the result of processing all columns up to the current one, during the evaluation of certain row functions. (Available as of version 15.21)
rcn_ Takes on the name of each column successively during the evaluation of a row function
rct_ Takes on one of the string values ('i', 'f', 'j', 'a', 'n') corresponding to the current column's basic data type: integer, float, bigint, string, or other, respectively, during the evaluation of a row function. (Available as of version 15.21)
rcv_ Takes on the value of each column successively during the evaluation of a row function
seg_ Segment in the original table
subtitle_ The subtitle of the worksheet currently being operated on
title_ Title of this table
username_ Username of user logged into current session
verdate_ The date the current version of MDB was released
version_ The MDB version number