Returns a one-way cryptographic hash of a given string using the specified algorithm.
Argument | Type | Description |
X |
text | A column name |
M |
text | The hash algorithm to useM can be:
Return Value
Returns a text string corresponding to a one-way cryptographic hash of X
translated using the algorithm specified by M
If M
is 'md5', the result is a string representing
the 32 hexadecimal digits of the hash.
If X
is N/A, the result is the appropriate hash of the empty string.
Sample Usage
value |
method |
hash(value;method) |
'1010data' | 'md5' | '96d63741a6c613cb01cba4348343258b' |
'' | 'md5' | 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' |