
Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not a particular break column is included for the current row within a rollup tabulation.




Argument Type Description
X integer A column name

X is the name of the indicator column specified by the ind attribute in the <rollup> element for the tabulation. See <rollup> for more information.

I integer The break column in question

I is a number between 1 and the number of break columns, where 1 refers to the innermost (last) break column.

Return Value

Returns an integer value of 1 if the I'th break column is rolled up for the current row. Otherwise, returns 0.

Note: This function is useful only after a tabulation that includes a <rollup> element.


The following example creates a rollup tabulation of using the columns lg, team, and lastname as the break columns. The <rollup> element creates an aggregation indicator column named level that contains an integer value related to which break columns are included in the rollup for each row. The column is_rolledup displays the results of rolledup(X;I), where X is the indicator column level and I is 1, which refers to the innermost break column, lastname. This function returns an integer value of 1 if the lastname column is included in the rollup for the current row, and returns 0 otherwise.

<base table=""/>
<tabu label="Tabulation on Batting" breaks="lg,team,lastname">
  <rollup ind="level"/>
  <tcol source="lg" fun="cnt" label="Count"/>
<sort col="level" dir="down"/>
<willbe name="is_rolledup" value="rolledup(level;1)"/>

Based on the value of the is_rolledup column, you can see that the lastname column is included in the rollup for those rows outlined in green, but is not included for those outlined in red.