Connect to 1010data from Tableau

Once you install the 1010data Tableau Connector, you are ready to access and visualize 1010data tables in Tableau.

To start Tableau and connect to 1010data:

  1. Start Tableau Desktop.
    Under Connect to a Server > More, you will see the option 1010data by CData.

  2. Click 1010data by CData.
    The 1010data by CData dialog appears.

  3. In the 1010data by CData dialog, enter the following information:
    1. LoginURL: Enter the URL of the 1010data environment you are accessing, including the version (such as /prime-latest). For example, the complete URL could be
      The Tableau Connector is compatible with the 1010data Insights Platform V15 and above.
    2. Connection Properies (optional): You may want to configure advanced connection properties, such as setting up your single sign-on (SSO) connection. You can select connection properties in the JDBC Driver (cdata.jdbc.c1010.jar) and copy and paste them into this field. See Configure single sign-on (SSO) for more information about SSO. See also the Connection String Options in the JDBC Driver Reference Manual for a complete list of connection string properties.
    3. Username: Enter the user name you use for the 1010data Insights Platform.
      Note: If you are using SSO to log in, the user name is your SSO user name for your SSO provider.
      Note: If you are using a SAM pool to log in, the user name is the name of the owner of the SAM pool, not your user name.
    4. Password: Enter the password you use for the 1010data Insights Platform.
      Note: If you are using SSO to log in, the password is your SSO password for your SSO provider.
      Note: If you are using a SAM pool to log in, the password is the password of the owner of the SAM pool, not your password. For more information about configuring SAM pools, see Configure Shared Access Management (SAM) pools.
    The 1010data by CData dialog will look similar to the following:

  4. Click Sign In.
    Wait while the connector retrieves your data.
    If your connection is successful, you will see your connection in the Data Source tab of the Tableau screen.

  5. Select your 1010data Database and Schema.
  6. Drag the table(s) you wish to use onto the Tableau canvas.
    Note: If you do not see the desired SQL tables in the drop-down list, the SQL table has not been added to the appropriate schema. You can use the self-service SQL Metadata Tool in the 1010data Insights Platform to add tables to a schema, or you can contact your 1010data account manager.
    Note: Tableau selects a live connection to the data by default.
  7. Click Update Now to update the table(s).
    The table's data is updated.

  8. Select the Sheet 1 tab to start your analysis and visualization of your data.
You can now get started building your Tableau workbook with 1010data Insights Platform data.