
Returns the date and time of the current session's login within a given time zone.




Argument Type Description
X integer A whole number between -11 and 11 (or column name containing such values), representing a time zone, where 0 represents GMT
For example:
  • -5 represents EST
  • -8 represents PST

Return Value

Returns the decimal value corresponding to the date+time of the current session's login within the given time zone.

If the input values are not in one of the supported formats listed above, the function returns an erroneous or illogical output.


The following example gets the login date and time using the logindatetime(X) function.

<base table="default.lonely" 
 label="Example: logindatetime(X)"/>
<willbe name="login_date_time" value="logindatetime(-5)" 
 label="Login`Date+Time" format="type:datehms24"/>
<colord cols="login_date_time"/> 

Note: The computed column is formatted using the datehms24 format type so that the date+time will appear as a date and time (03/17/16_15:02:12) and not as a decimal number (-6,863.37347286349).

Example: Elapsed time since login

The following example uses datetime(X;Y) to create a date+time value from two columns in the pub.demo.weather.wunderground.observed_hourly table: date and time. It then determines the login date and time of the user (using the logindatetime(X) function) and calculates the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds that have elapsed since the time the user logged in.

Note: Because the pub.demo.weather.wunderground.observed_hourly table is so large, the calculations are only done for one particular zip code.
<base table="pub.demo.weather.wunderground.observed_hourly" 
 label="Example: Elapsed time since login"/>
<sel value="(zipcode='10017')"/>
<willbe name="observed_date_time" value="datetime(date;time)" 
 label="Observed Date/Time" format="type:datehms24"/>
<willbe name="login_date_time" value="logindatetime(-5)" 
 label="Login Date/Time" format="type:datehms24"/>
<willbe name="login_date" value="logindate(-5)" 
 label="Login Date" format="type:date"/>
<colord cols="zipcode,date,time,observed_date_time,login_date_time"/>
<willbe name="delta" value="login_date_time-observed_date_time" format="dec:2"/>
<willbe name="elapsed_days" value="if(delta < 1; 0; days(date;login_date))" 
 label="Elapsed Days"/>
<willbe name="elapsed_hours" value="time(delta)" 
 label="Elapsed Time" format="type:hms24"/>