Access a particular value in a table

There are times when you might want to get the value of a specific cell in a table and save it in a dynamic variable.

For instance, you might want to add a title to the line chart that was created in Specify conditions for widget validation which shows the item description that was selected in the list widget. However, since the value of the list_selection dynamic variable is the SKU and not the item description, you need to look up that SKU in the Product Master table to get the associated item description. Once you find the value in the table, you can save it to a dynamic variable in a <do> clause. The specific cell can be specified using the row_ and col_ attributes in the <do> tag, and the dynamic variable can be specified using the value_ attribute.

To access a particular value in a table:

  1. Add a <do> clause that sets a dynamic variable to the value of a specific cell, and use that dynamic variable as the title for the line graph.
    <dynamic selection="19" product_master="pub.doc.retail.product" 
     sales_detail="pub.doc.retail.salesdetail" aggregate_by="groupdesc_prod"
     mode_="auto" display_chart="1" clicked_value="" list_title="PRODUCT LIST"
     list_selection="" startdate="20140101" enddate="20140131"
     item_title="SALES OVER TIME">
      <do onchange_="@aggregate_by,@selection">
        <set clicked_value=""/>
        <set list_selection=""/>
      <do onchange_="@clicked_value">
        <set list_title="{@clicked_value} PRODUCT LIST"/>
        <set list_selection=""/>
      <do onchange_="@list_selection" base_="{@product_master}" 
       value_="@item_title" row_="1" col_="1"
       when_="{@list_selection <> ''}">
        <sel value="sku={@list_selection}"/>
        <colord cols="description"/>
      <layout background_="lightblue" border_="10">
        <widget class_="dropdown" base_="{@product_master}" 
         inputwidth_="250" value_="@selection"
         label_="Department:" labelwidth_="75">
          <widget class_="graphics" base_="{@sales_detail}" 
           width_="800" height_="400" invmode_="hide"
           require_="{@list_selection <> ''}" >
            <if test="{@list_selection <> ''}">
              <sel value="between(trans_date;{@startdate};{@enddate})"/>
              <sel value="(sku={@list_selection})"/>
              <tabu label="Tabulation on Sales Detail" breaks="trans_date,sku">
                <tcol source="xsales" fun="sum" name="tot_sales_by_date" 
                 label="Sum of`Extended`Sales" format="type:currency"/>
              <willbe name="date" value="trans_date" format="type:date4y"/>
                <chart type="line" title="{@item_title}">
                  <axes xlabel="Date"/>
                  <data x="date" y="tot_sales_by_date"/>
                  <ticks xrot="45"/>
                  <style xaxissize="10" yaxissize="10"/>

    A new dynamic variable, item_title, has been added to the opening tag of the <dynamic> and set to SALES OVER TIME. (This value will be changed by the <do> clause you're adding, so it doesn't matter particularly what this initial value is.)

    A <do> clause has been added that runs when the list_selection dynamic variable changes. Whenever the user selects something in the list widget, the Macro Language code in this <do> clause runs.

    The base_ attribute in the <do> tag sets the base table to the value of the product_master dynamic variable.

    The query in the <do> clause selects the row in the Product Master where the value in the sku column equals the value of the list_selection dynamic variable. The <colord> then ensures that the item description is in the first column. This query results in a table with one row and one column.

    The row_ and col_ attributes specify that the value in the first row and first column is stored in the dynamic variable specified by the value_ attribute, which in this example is item_title.

    The when_ attribute specifies that the <do> clause should only run when the value of the list_selection dynamic variable is not equal to the empty string. This is done to prevent an error in the <sel> operation, which selects rows based on the value of list_selection.

    Finally, a title has been added to the <chart> element in the <graphspec> for the line chart. The title is set to the value of the item_title dynamic variable.

  2. Click Apply.
  3. Click an item in the grid widget (e.g., SOFT DRINKS SINGLES).

    The list widget is displayed.

  4. Click an item in the list widget (e.g., A&W ROOTBEER SNGLE+CRV).

    The graphics widget containing the line chart now appears with the title above it.

Cumulative QuickApp code

The Macro Language code for the QuickApp up to this point is:

<defblock name="sales_by_date" prod_table="" department="" group_by="">
  <link table2="{@prod_table}" col="sku" col2="sku" 
   suffix="_prod" type="select">
    <sel value="dept={@department}"/>
  <tabu label="Tabulation on Sales Detail" breaks="{@group_by}">
    <tcol source="xsales" fun="sum" name="tot_sales" 
     label="Sum of`Extended Sales" format="type:currency"/>
  <sort col="tot_sales" dir="down"/>
  <sel value="({@group_by} <> '')"/>
<dynamic selection="19" product_master="pub.doc.retail.product" 
 sales_detail="pub.doc.retail.salesdetail" aggregate_by="groupdesc_prod" 
 mode_="auto" display_chart="1" clicked_value="" list_title="PRODUCT LIST" 
 list_selection="" startdate="20140101" enddate="20140131" 
 item_title="SALES OVER TIME">
  <do onchange_="@aggregate_by,@selection">
    <set clicked_value=""/>
    <set list_selection=""/>
  <do onchange_="@clicked_value">
    <set list_title="{@clicked_value} PRODUCT LIST"/>
    <set list_selection=""/>
  <do onchange_="@list_selection" base_="{@product_master}" 
   value_="@item_title" row_="1" col_="1" 
   when_="{@list_selection <> ''}">
    <sel value="sku={@list_selection}"/>
    <colord cols="description"/>
  <layout background_="lightblue" border_="10">
    <widget class_="dropdown" base_="{@product_master}" 
     inputwidth_="250" value_="@selection" 
     label_="Department:" labelwidth_="75">
      <tabu label="Tabulation on Product Master" breaks="deptdesc">
        <break col="deptdesc" sort="up"/>
        <tcol source="dept" name="dept" fun="first" label="First`Department"/>
      <colord cols="dept,deptdesc"/>
    <widget class_="dropdown" value_="@aggregate_by" 
     label_="Aggregate by:" labelwidth_="75" inputwidth_="250">
    <widget class_="checkbox" label_="Display Chart" 
    <widget class_="button" text_="Run" type_="submit"/>
      <widget class_="text" text_="Current selection: {@selection}"/>
      <widget class_="grid" base_="{@sales_detail}" 
       insert_="sales_by_date" prod_table="{@product_master}" 
       department="{@selection}" group_by="{@aggregate_by}" 
       invmsg_="Click Run for changes to take effect" 
       clickable_="{@aggregate_by}" value_="@clicked_value"/>
      <widget class_="graphics" base_="{@sales_detail}" width_="800" 
       insert_="sales_by_date" prod_table="{@product_master}" 
       department="{@selection}" group_by="{@aggregate_by}" 
       invmsg_="Click Run for changes to take effect" 
       visible_="{@display_chart}" holdfor_="@aggregate_by,@selection">
          <chart type="bar">
            <data x="{@aggregate_by}" y="tot_sales"/>
            <ticks xrot="45"/>
            <style xaxissize="10" yaxissize="10"/>
      <widget class_="list" base_="{@product_master}" 
       width_="500" maxheight_="600" 
       require_="{@clicked_value <> ''}" invmode_="hide" 
       label_="{@list_title}" value_="@list_selection">
        <if test="{@aggregate_by = 'brand_prod'}">
            <sel value="(brand='{@clicked_value}')"/>
            <sel value="(groupdesc='{@clicked_value}')"/>
        <colord cols="sku,description"/>
        <sort col="description" dir="up"/>
      <widget class_="graphics" base_="{@sales_detail}" 
       width_="800" height_="400" invmode_="hide" 
       require_="{@list_selection <> ''}">
        <if test="{@list_selection <> ''}">
          <sel value="between(trans_date;{@startdate};{@enddate})"/>
          <sel value="(sku={@list_selection})"/>
          <tabu label="Tabulation on Sales Detail" breaks="trans_date,sku">
            <tcol source="xsales" fun="sum" name="tot_sales_by_date" 
             label="Sum of`Extended`Sales" format="type:currency"/>
          <willbe name="date" value="trans_date" format="type:date4y"/>
            <chart type="line" title="{@item_title}">
              <axes xlabel="Date"/>
              <data x="date" y="tot_sales_by_date"/>
              <ticks xrot="45"/>
              <style xaxissize="10" yaxissize="10"/>