
Formats a time value in the form HHMMSS as a string according to a template. (Available as of version 15.19)




Argument Type Description
  • integer
  • big integer
A scalar value or the name of a column containing date-related values
Valid values can be of the form:
  • time
Y text A "template" string specifying how the output should be formatted.

The following is a partial list of string templates:

  • 'HH:MI:SS'
  • 'HH:MI:SSpm'
  • 'HH:MI'
  • 'HH:MIpm'

Return Value

Returns a string value of the date formatted using the template specified in the Y argument.

For more information about date formats, see Dates and time.


In the following example, fromtime(X;Y) converts a time value into a string value in the form 'HH:MI:SSpm'. Note that the template supplied as the Y argument converts the 24-hour time into an AM/PM time format.

<base table=""/>
<sel value="(zipcode='10017')"/>
<willbe name="time_string" value="fromtime(time;'HH:MI:SSpm')"
 label="Time (string)"/>
<colord cols="date,time,time,time_string"/>