Share a Quick Query

1010data allows you to share your Quick Queries, as well as the tables and folders that you own, with other users or user groups at your company. When you share a Quick Query, you give permission to others to use it.

To share the Quick Query, you must give permission for the Quick Query and the folder in which it is contained.
In addition to granting users permission for the folder where the Quick Query is located, you must also give users permission to view any tables used by the Quick Query. In this tutorial, a public table available to all users in the group is used, so this is not necessary. In practice, use the View Info action below the Folders and Tables browser to see all referenced tables for a particular Quick Query.
Note: The procedure for sharing a table is nearly identical to that of sharing a Quick Query. The only difference between the two is a table is selected instead of a Quick Query.

In this tutorial you will learn how to move and share the Quick Query you edited in Edit a Quick Query.

To share a Quick Query:

  1. In the Folders and Tables browser, navigate to your saved Transactions by Store(s) Quick Query.
    Note: In this tutorial, the location and name of an example user folder is used for illustrative purposes; the name and location of your user folder will be different.

    Note: The Owner () icon directly to the left of the Quick Query title, outlined in red above, indicates that you own the query.

Although you can share the Quick Query from your user folder, this tutorial illustrates how to move the query to a new subfolder before sharing it. This is done to demonstrate some of the inherit permissions features provided in 1010data.

  1. In the Folders and Tables browser, click the parent folder containing your Quick Query.
    This selects the folder into which you want to add a subfolder.
  2. On the Folders and Tables toolbar, click the Add Subfolder () icon.
    1010data displays the subfolder fields below the toolbar.

  3. In the Title field, enter Store Reports.
    This is the title of the subfolder you are creating.
  4. In the Full Path field, enter store_reports.
    This is the name of the folder used by 1010data. The name, which is appended to the end of the full path, must begin with a letter and cannot contain any uppercase letters, spaces, or symbols other than underscores (_).
  5. Click Add.
    The Store Reports subfolder is added under your user folder.

  6. Click the Transactions by Store(s) Quick Query to select it.
  7. On the Folders and Tables toolbar, click the Move () icon.
    1010data highlights the Transactions by Store(s) Quick Query in green and asks where you want to move the item.

  8. Click the new Store Reports subfolder.
    1010data highlights the Store Reports folder in red and displays a confirmation message.

  9. In the message dialog, click OK.
    1010data moves the Quick Query from the parent folder to the Store Reports folder.

    Next, you will assign two users in your organization permission to use your query.

    Note: In this tutorial, the names of our two example users, jane_doe and john_smith, are used for illustrative purposes. The names you specify must be existing 1010data users in your organization.

The first part of this task is to give the two users access to the Store Reports folder where the Quick Query is located. This is important because other users must have access to the folder where your Quick Query is saved or they will not be able to see your query.

  1. Click the Store Reports folder to select it.
    1010data highlights the folder and its contents in blue.

  2. In the list of actions below the Folders and Tables toolbar, click Edit Info.

    1010data displays detailed information about the selected folder, which you can edit.

  3. In the Users field, add the names of two existing 1010data users within your organization.
    Note: Separate multiple users in the field with a single space.

    If you wanted to share the Store Reports folder, and all of its contents, with all users who have been granted permission to its parent folder (in this tutorial, the Examples folder), you would select the Inherit Users checkbox. However, because you want only the additional users you just entered to have access to the Quick Query, do not select the checkbox.

    Note: The Inherit Users checkbox takes precedence over the Users list. The user names listed in Users are ignored when the Inherit Users checkbox is selected.
  4. Click Save changes.
    1010data saves your changes and displays a confirmation message.

Now, you need to add permissions for the Quick Query itself.

  1. Click the Transactions by Store(s) Quick Query to select it.
    1010data highlights the query in blue.

  2. In the list of actions below the Folders and Tables toolbar, click Edit Info.
    1010data displays detailed information about the selected Quick Query, which you can edit.

    With respect to sharing, the fields you are interested in are Inherit Users and Users.

    By default, only the name of the user who created the query is listed in the Users field. You can add additional users, separated by a single space, who can run this particular Quick Query. However, since you already granted two users in your organization permission to the Store Reports parent folder, you can simply select the Inherit Users checkbox instead. This checkbox will share the Quick Query with all users who have been granted permission to the Store Reports folder.
    Note: Inherit Users takes precedence over the Users list. The user names listed in Users are ignored when the Inherit Users checkbox is selected.
  3. Select the Inherit Users checkbox.

Although it is not necessary for sharing Quick Queries, you may want to change the name of the Quick Query to something more intuitive. By default, 1010data automatically appends to the end of a query name a combination of a number and the owner's user name. For example, the name of the Quick Query in this tutorial ends in t608870601_tc_cmiller.

  1. Enter trans_by_stores in the Name field.
    The name must begin with a letter and cannot contain any uppercase letters, spaces, or symbols other than underscores (_).
  2. Click Save changes.
    1010data saves your changes and displays a confirmation message.

    The two users you added to the Store Reports folder can now run your Transactions by Store(s) Quick Query.

    Note: After the permissions of a folder or Quick Query are changed, any impacted users must log out and log back in before the new permissions take effect.