
<base> is the concrete macro operation that represents the action of opening the initial table.


Queries run by TRS or MLW typically need a <base> operation to specify the table upon which subsequent transformations will be carried out. Queries often begin with <base>, but it is not required. For example, the <base> operation may be hidden in block code or specified as part of a complex construct such as <loop> or <dynamic>.

If you do not specify a <base> table, the query runs with an implied <base table="default.lonely">. This is convenient when building QuickApps where the base table for the overall query doesn't matter. However, for straightforward data analysis queries, where you will be using such operations as <link>, <willbe>, and <sel>, you need to specify the table you're working with using <base>.


<base label="[NEW_TABLE_TITLE]" 


The new title (label) to be displayed with the current worksheet.  This replaces the title of the base table.  Note that any tabulation operation will change the title to "Tabulation" by default; the label attribute may be used in the <tabu> element to modify the post-tabulation title.
Specify a suffix to be appended to the names of all real columns in the base table. For example, with suffix="_a", the column date will be renamed to date_a.
Specify the name or ID of a new base table, which will be used as the base of this macro instead of the current table.


In this example, assume there is no "current" table, and the object is to specify pub.demo.retail.item for use with additional Macro Language code.

<base label="Transaction-level Data" table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<sel value="store=1"/>