
<col> changes the display attributes of a column in a table. It does not change the name of a column, but it does change the heading, as an example.




The name of the column (real or computed) to modify. It is an error to specify a column that does not exist.
The new column heading for the column. The heading may consist of multiple lines separated by backtick characters (`). If not specified, the column's heading is not changed.
The new format for the column (see Display formats). If not specified, the column's format is not changed.
Accepts a string that specifies the description for the column.

If this attribute is not specified, the column description is not changed.

1 if the column should be displayed as fixed (on the left side of the table display, 0 if not.  By default, break columns in tabulations are fixed, and columns in a table may be designated as fixed when the table is loaded, but fixed columns may be un-fixed and vice-versa using the <col>.  If fixed is not specified, the column's fixed status is not changed.


In this example, assume the "current" table is pub.demo.retail.item, a transactional sales table. We would like to change the Account column heading to read Customer ID for clarity.

<base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<col name="account" label="Customer ID"/>