jnlst(L1 L2...LN)

Returns a single list-value made up of the elements of multiple lists.


jnlst(L1 L2...LN)


Argument Type Description
L any A space- or comma-separated list of scalar values

Return Value

Returns a single list-value that contains all the elements of L1 L2...LN.


The following example demonstrates how jnlst(L1 L2...LN) is used to create a list-value named heroes that consists of all the elements in the list-values group1, group2, and group3. The column all_heroes shows the value of heroes. The column fifth_hero shows the value of the fifth element in the heroes list-value. The <foreach> loop creates a computed column for each of the elements in heroes.

<letseq group1="{lst('Malfurion' 'Uther' 'Rexxar')}" 
 group2="{lst('Jaina' 'Thrall' 'Anduin')}" 
 group3="{lst('Valeera' 'Guldan' 'Garrosh')}" 
 heroes="{jnlst(@group1 @group2 @group3)}">
    <willbe name="all_heroes" value="{@heroes}"/>
    <willbe name="fifth_hero" value="'{@heroes.5}'"/>
    <foreach hero="{@heroes}" tally_="@i">
        <willbe name="hero_{@i}" value="'{@hero}'"/>