unlst(L1 L2...LN)

Find the union of two or more list-values.


unlst(L1 L2...LN)


Argument Type Description
L list-value A space-separated or comma-separated list of list-values whose union will be found

Return Value

Returns a single list-value that is the union of all list-values passed to the L parameter.

If X is N/A, the result is N/A.


This example demonstrates how to use unlst(L1 L2...LN) to create a single list out of two lists. Notice that, unlike jnlst(L1 L2...LN), unlst(L1 L2...LN) eliminates duplicate values in the resultant list-value.

<block name="list_funs" list_a="{lst('1' '2' '3' '4')}" list_b="{lst('1' 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd')}">
  <base table="default.lonely"/>
  <willbe name="union" label="Union" value="'{unlst(@list_a @list_b)}'"/>

The output from the unlst(L1 L2...LN) function as used above:

Note how 1 appears only once in the resultant list-value.