
The <layout> element is a nestable pseudo-operation that can be used to organize <widget> elements and other <layout> elements.


The <layout> element may contain <widget> elements, <layout> elements, and <block> code that expands to either <layout> or <widget>. There must be at least one widget within a layout and all layouts nested within it.




Specifies a name to identify the layout within the QuickApp.

For example, you can specify the name of the layout to the include_ attribute of a <widget class_="button" type_="render" target_="[TARGET]"> to indicate that you want a particular layout rendered in the specified target. For more information, see type_="render".

Accepts text that provides a label for a given content area.

As of version 11.06, when the label_ attribute is supplied to a plain <layout> (i.e., one that does not have a type_ specified), and that layout is scrollable, the label is shown in a static bar across the top that does not move even if the rest of the layout is scrolled. Prior to version 11.06, the label was rendered as part of the regular contents of the layout and could be scrolled out of view.

Specifies the amount of space reserved for the label of a plain layout (i.e., one that does not have a type_ specified).

See the description of label_ above for details.

The default is 25.

The type_ attribute accepts values that specify predefined content layouts.

Valid values are:

Creates a series of divided content areas that expand to show content or collapse to hide content based on user interactions.

Unlike the collapsible content construct, only one panel in an accordion layout can be open at one time.

Creates a series of divided content areas that expand to show content or collapse to hide content based on user interactions.

Unlike the accordion content construct, all panels in a collapsible layout can be closed.

Creates an area where draggable widgets can be dropped.
A layout that handles automatic sizing and layout of widgets.

For <layout type_="flexible">, include weight_ to determine the relative size of the layout inside the flexible layout type and anchor_ to determine the area the layout is placed in. Possible anchor values are center, left, right, top, and bottom.

Creates a content layout that consists of two panels, only one of which is displayed at a time.

A <layout type_="flip"> must contain exactly two <layout> elements. When rendered, the panel associated with the first layout is displayed and the other is hidden.

A toggle button is provided, which flips the panels around vertically or horizontally, depending on the value of the required arrange_ attribute. A particular panel can be displayed by clicking the toggle button or by setting the value of the dynamic variable associated with the openvalue_ attribute.

If width_ is not specified, the default is 100%.

If height_ is not specified, the default is 100%.

If halign_ is not specified, the default is left.

(Available as of version 12.18)

Creates a content layout that consists of multiple panels. Only one panel can be displayed at a time.

This layout is essentially identical to type_="tabpanel" but without the tabs.

Each content panel must be defined by its own <layout> between the opening and closing tags of the <layout type_="sheaf">.

Since there is no built-in control to change the content area displayed in this panel, this layout type is useful primarily with the openvalue_ attribute.

(Available as of version 10.34)

Creates an area at the bottom of the window.
Creates an area at the right of the window.
Creates a split layout so multiple content areas can be displayed simultaneously.

A single <layout type_="splitter"> will generate multiple content areas equal to the number of <layout> elements nested inside the splitter layout (e.g., three <layout> elements inside a splitter layout will create three content areas).

Nesting another <layout type_="splitter"> inside a <layout> element already contained by a splitter layout can be used to further sub-divide a single content pane into additional sub-content-panes.

Content areas in a splitter can be arranged horizontally or vertically using the arrange_="v|h" attribute of the <layout> element.

(Available as of prod-9)

Creates a tabbed content area that consists of multiple panels.

Each content panel must be defined by its own <layout> between the opening and closing tags of the <layout type_="tabpanel">.

A particular content panel can be displayed by clicking its tab or by setting the value of the dynamic variable associated with the openvalue_ attribute.

Creates a moveable, resizable window for the contents of the layout.
Note: This type of layout should only be used in standalone QuickApps, not in integrated QuickApps that are intended to run within the Insights Platform workspace.

(Available as of version 10.01)

Sets the alignment for the current <layout> relative to the preceding <layout>.

Valid values are:

Horizontal alignment
Vertical alignment

This attribute is required for <layout type_="flip">.

Specifies the behavior when the contents exceeds the bounds of the layout.

Valid values are:

The overflow is rendered outside of the layout.
Scroll bars are added to the layout if and only if the contents exceeds the bounds of the layout.
The overflow is not visible.
The overflow is not visible, but a scroll bar is added to see the rest of the content.

The default is visible.

The overflow_ attribute is only valid when type_ is not specified.

(Available as of version 11.06)

Specify a dynamic variable whose value indicates which panel should be displayed in a <layout>. This applies to layouts where the type_ attribute is set to flip, accordion, collapsible, tabpanel.

When the value of the dynamic variable changes, the panel corresponding to the value of the dynamic variable will be displayed.

For example, setting the value of the dynamic variable associated with the openvalue_ attribute to 2 will open the second tab in a <layout> of type_="tabpanel".

For <layout type_="collapsible">, setting the value of the dynamic variable associated with the openvalue_ attribute to the empty string ("") closes all the panels. Also, the value of the dynamic variable can be set to a comma-separated list that contains the indices of the panels to open. (Available as of version 10.07)

Specify a dynamic variable whose value determines whether the associated layout should be hidden or displayed.

When the value of this dynamic variable is set to 0, the layout associated with this attribute is hidden; when the dynamic variable is set to 1, the layout is visible.

Accepts an integer value describing the fixed width of the container.
Accepts an integer value describing the fixed height of the container.
Fixes the position of the upper left corner of the widget container relative to the browser window. Accepts two values, X, Y where the default value is px. However, any CSS unit valid for relative position can be specified.
Note: This attribute does not work with windowed widgets or layouts.
Fixes the position of the upper left corner of the widget container relative to the containing layout. Accepts two values, X, Y where the default value is px. However, any CSS unit valid for relative position can be specified.
Fixes the position of the upper left corner of the widget container relative to the main window. Accepts two values, X, Y where the default value is px. However, any CSS unit valid for absolute position can be specified.
Displays a tooltip when someone moves the mouse over the widget. Accepts text.
An optional delay, in seconds, before the tooltip appears.

tooltipdelay_ takes a non-negative floating point number. (Available as of version 14.12)

Specifies the background color of the container.

The color can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Sets the width of the border of the container.
Sets the width of the padding of the container.
Sets the width of the margin of the container.
Specifies whether or not to define an exclusion zone for the container. Accepts a 1 or 0.

When exclusion_="1", windows cannot be moved within the bounds of the container. If a window is dragged into the exclusion zone, its position will be adjusted so that it is outside the zone. A windowed widget with windowexcluded_="0" overrides this, allowing that window to be moved into the exclusion zone.

The default is 0.

(Available as of version 10.44)

Sets the horizontal alignment of the container.

Accepts one of three values:

  • left
  • right
  • center

Attributes when type_="splitter"

The following attributes may be applied to the sub-layouts within a <layout type_="splitter">.

The height of the splitter sub-layout is stored in the dynamic variable associated with the heightvalue_ attribute. The value is automatically updated whenever the height of the sub-layout changes.

The variable must be declared in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp (e.g., <dynamic var_name="">).

The width of the splitter sub-layout is stored in the dynamic variable associated with the widthvalue_ attribute. The value is automatically updated whenever the width of the sub-layout changes.

The variable must be declared in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp (e.g., <dynamic var_name="">).

Specifies whether or not a splitter sub-layout is resizable. Accepts a 1 or 0.

If a sub-layout specifies flexible_="0", the resize handle between it and its adjacent sub-layout is not available.

The default is 1.

Specifies whether or not a splitter sub-layout can be collapsed. Accepts a 1 or 0.

If a sub-layout specifies collapsible_="0", the expand/collapse icons between it and its adjacent sub-layout are not available.

The default is 1.

Attributes when type_="window"

Determines whether to show or hide the window initially. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 0.

Determines whether or not to force the user to interact with the window before returning to the QuickApp in which it is contained. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 0.

Determines whether or not the window is centered within the frame containing the QuickApp. Accepts a 1 or 0.

As of version 11.07, the default is 1 when modal_="1"; otherwise, the default is 0.

When modal_="0", the default is 0.

Determines whether or not to display the window with a title bar. Accepts a 1 or 0.

Eliminating the title bar may be desirable when creating modal dialogs with modal_="1".

The default is 1.

(Available as of version 11.07)

Determines whether or not to display a Minimize icon in the upper-right corner of the window that minimizes the window when clicked. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 1.

(Available as of version 10.01)

Determines whether or not to display a Maximize icon in the upper-right corner of the window that maximizes the window when clicked. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 1.

(Available as of version 10.01)

Determines whether or not to display a Close icon in the upper-right corner of the window that closes the window when clicked. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 1.

Determines whether or not the window can be resized. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 1.

(Available as of version 10.01.)

Determines whether or not the window manager should handle the window when it is in its minimized state. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 0.

(Available as of version 10.10)

Determines whether the window remains stationary when the page content is scrolled. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 0.

(Available as of version 10.12.)

Determines whether or not to display a Pin icon in the upper-right corner of the window that pins the window in a stationary position when clicked. Accepts a 1 or 0.

The default is 0.

(Available as of version 10.12)

Specifies the maximum width of the window.
Specifies the minimum width of the window.
Specifies the maximum height of the window.
Specifies the minimum height of the window.

Attributes when type_="collapsible"

Accepts an integer value that specifies the maximum number of panels that can be opened.

(Available as of version 10.07)

Attributes when type_="flexible"

Accepts an integer value that determines the relative size of the layout inside the flexible layout.
Determines the area the layout is placed in. Possible values are center, left, right, top, and bottom.

Example: arrange_="v"

In this example, we use the <layout> tag to present two dropdown widgets in a vertical arrangement:

<dynamic selection="" aggregate_by="">
  <layout arrange_="v">
    <widget class_="dropdown" base_="pub.doc.retail.product" 
     inputwidth_="250" value_="@selection" 
     label_="Department:" labelwidth_="75">
      <tabu breaks="deptdesc">
        <break col="deptdesc" sort="up"/>
        <tcol source="dept" name="dept" fun="first"/>
      <colord cols="dept,deptdesc"/>
    <widget class_="dropdown" value_="@aggregate_by" 
     label_="Aggregate by:" labelwidth_="75" inputwidth_="250">

This results in the following:

Example: Modal dialog window

<dynamic v="0" msg="Press to open modal">
  <do onchange_="@v">
    <set msg="{if(@v;'Modal is open';'Modal closed, press to open again')}"/>
  <layout type_="window" modal_="1" showvalue_="@v">
    <widget class_="text" text_="This is an example of a modal dialog window."/>
    <widget class_="button" type_="set"  text_="Press to close" value_="@v" newvalue_="0"/>
  <widget class_="button" type_="set" text_="{@msg}" value_="@v" newvalue_="1"/>

Example: type_="tabpanel"

This example demonstrates how to nest <layout> elements to create content separators. The example shows a tabpanel; however, the same syntax also applies to accordion and collapsible content areas. Note that the top-level <layout> tag contains the tabpanel type, as follows: <layout type_="tabpanel">. However, there are additional <layout> tags nested within the highest level <layout>. Each of these nested <layout> elements produces the actual content pane and contains the content.

<dynamic selection="1">
  <layout type_="tabpanel" width_="700" height_="500">
    <layout label_="Selection">
      <widget class_="dropdown" base_="pub.demo.retail.item" 
        <willbe name="storeselect" value="g_first1(store;;)"/>
        <sel value="storeselect=1"/>
        <colord cols="store"/>
    <layout label_="Results" name="sample">
      <widget class_="grid" base_="pub.demo.retail.item">
        <sel value="store={@selection}"/>

The example above produces the following tabpanel layout:

Example: type_="splitter"

The following code demonstrates how to use <layout type_="splitter">:

  <layout width_="700" height_="500" arrange_="h" type_="splitter">
    <layout width_="33%">
      <widget class_="text" text_="First panel"/>
    <layout width_="33%">
      <widget class_="text" text_="Second panel"/>
    <layout width_="34%">
      <widget class_="text" text_="Third panel"/>

Example: type_="flexible"

  <layout type_="flexible" arrange_="h" height_="100%">
    <layout weight_="3" anchor_="left">
      <widget class_="text" background_="red" text_="one"/>
    <layout weight_="1" anchor_="center">
      <widget class_="text" background_="red" text_="two"/>
    <layout weight_="1" anchor_="bottom">
      <widget class_="text" background_="red" text_="three"/>