
<do action_="getquery"> places the Macro Language code of a given query into an XML variable and/or as text into a dynamic variable. (Available as of version 10.23)


<dynamic textvar="" xmlvar="" basevar="">
    <do action_="getquery" path_="[PATH]" 
     value_="@textvar" xmlvalue_="@xmlvar" 

Attributes for action_="getquery"

The Macro Language code of the query specified by the path_ attribute is stored as text in the dynamic variable associated with the value_ attribute.

The variable must be declared in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp (e.g., <dynamic var_name="">).

Specifies the path to an existing, accessible query object.
The Macro Language code of the query specified by the path_ attribute is stored as an XML value in the variable associated with the xmlvalue_ attribute.

The variable must be declared in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp (e.g., <dynamic var_name="">).

Information related to the query's base table is stored in the dynamic variable associated with the basevalue_ attribute.

If basevalue_ is specified and the query was saved prior to Version 10 of the 1010data Insights Platform, the query's base table is placed in the variable.

If basevalue_ is not specified, then a <base> operation referring to a pre-V10 query's base path will automatically be prepended to the query's ops if and only it does not already begin with a <base> operation (ignoring <note> and <meta> tags) or consist solely of a <library> tag or tags.

The variable must be declared in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp (e.g., <dynamic var_name="">).

Example: Using the value widget to display different types of variables

The following example retrieves the Macro Language code for pub.doc.retail.barchartex, a query that tabulates the total profit, sales, and cost by date for the data in pub.demo.retail.item. It uses three value widgets to display the values of the textvar, xmlvar, and basevar dynamic variables that are populated by the <do> clause.

<dynamic textvar="" xmlvar="" basevar="" lwidth="75">
  <do action_="getquery" path_="pub.doc.retail.barchartex" 
   value_="@textvar" xmlvalue_="@xmlvar" basevalue_="@basevar"/>
  <layout arrange_="v" width_="500">
    <widget class_="value" value_="@textvar"
     label_="value_" labelwidth_="{@lwidth}"/>
    <widget class_="value" value_="@xmlvar"
     label_="xmlvalue_" labelwidth_="{@lwidth}"/>
    <widget class_="value" value_="@basevar"
     label_="basevalue_" labelwidth_="{@lwidth}"/>