
<do action_="limits"> sets or inspects system settings. (Available as of version 10.25)


<dynamic info="{pkg(;)}" key_list="{lst()}"
    <do action_="limits" value_="@info" 
     get_="@key_list" set_="@set_data"/>

Attributes for action_="limits"

Information about all of the available system settings and their values are stored as a package in the dynamic variable associated with this attribute.

If the get_ attribute is also specified, only the keys listed in that attribute are retrieved.

The variable must be declared as a package in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp (e.g., <dynamic var_name="{pkg(;)}">).

Specifies a dynamic variable whose value is a list-value consisting of the keys that are saved, along with their values, in the package variable associated with the value_ attribute.

The variable must be declared as a list-value in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp (e.g., <dynamic var_name="{lst()}">).

Note: The dynamic variable associated with this attribute may also be a comma-separated list or a dictionary, in which case the dictionary's keys are used. The dynamic variable must be appropriately declared in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp.
Specifies a dynamic variable whose value is a package consisting of the key/value pairs of the system settings to set.

The package variable may only contain keys for the settings that the user is allowed to change. In addition, the value specified for a particular key must have the appropriate type for that key.

In general, the keys that may be set are a subset of those that may be inspected (roughly speaking, the same keys that can be changed via the API or <meta> hints). To get the lists of permissible keys, inspect the values for the keys allow_introspect and allow_changes.

The variable must be declared as a package in the opening <dynamic> tag of the QuickApp (e.g., <dynamic var_name="{pkg(;)}">).