
Blocks of Macro Language code defined with <blocklet> allow for parameterized variables and block-control forms without defining a named block.


The <blocklet> form is similar to <block> in that the contents of a <blocklet> are expanded and executed (after any parameter substitutions). Similarly, block-control forms such as <for> and <quote> may be used in a <blocklet> in the same way they are used in a <block>.

However, a <blocklet> is unnamed; no name attribute is provided. Since the block cannot be referenced, the <blocklet> cannot be called using <call> or <insert>.


<blocklet "[USER_DEFINED_VAR_1]="[VALUE_1]" ...
    <note>Macro Language code with parameterized variables goes here</note>


Accepts a string that will act as a user-defined variable. The variable name must begin with a lowercase alphabetic character and consist only of lowercase alphanumeric characters, digits, and/or underscores.

The block element may include any number of additional attributes, which may be used as parameters in the Macro Language code contained within the element. The value of a user-defined variable (e.g., my_var) is substituted wherever a scalar expression containing a reference to it (e.g., {@my_var}) appears within the block element.


The following example an example of including Macro Language code inside a <blocklet>. The Macro Language code contains a block-control form (<if>) as well as variable substitution (e.g., {@include}, {@foo}). However, since it is not being called externally by any code, it does not need to have a name; therefore, it can be in a <blocklet> instead of a <block>.

<blocklet foo="" include="1">
      <if test="{@include}">
  <quote t="{@foo}">