
<issue> is an expansion-control form that inserts the contents of an XML expression at a particular point in the query. (Available as of prod-9)


<issue xml_="[XML_EXPRESSION]"/>

If the <issue> form has contents, they are expanded and used as the contents of the issued Macro Language element.

Alternate syntax

<issue tag_="[1010data_ELEMENT_NAME]" 

If the <issue> form has contents, they are expanded and used as the contents of the issued Macro Language element.


Accepts an XML expression, which can be specified either as text or as an XML value.

If specified as text, the XML expression must be appropriately escaped (e.g., <issue xml_="<sort col=&quot;date&quot; dir=&quot;down&quot;/>"/>).

An XML value can be created using the long form of <set>, usually in conjunction with <quote>. See Example: Using the xml_ attribute.

In addition, certain widgets in QuickApps can set the value of a dynamic variable to an XML value. See the xmlvalue_ attribute in class_="textbox" for an example.

Note: If the xml_ attribute is specified, the tag_ and attrs_ attributes (as well as any contents of <issue>) are ignored.
Accepts the name of a 1010data Macro Language element name.

The tag_ attribute works in conjunction with the attrs_ attribute.

Accepts a package value that contains attribute/value pairs for the Macro Language element specified by the tag_ attribute.

Example: Using the xml_ attribute

The following example is a QuickApp that uses the xml_ attribute for the <issue> element to insert Macro Language code within the query associated with the grid widget.

<base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<dynamic xml_val="{lst()}" this_col="" this_val="">
  <do onsubmit_="add">
    <let op="">
          <quote col="{@this_col}" val="{@this_val}">
            <sel value="{@col}='{@val}'"/>
      <set xml_val="{jnlst(@xml_val @op)}"/>
  <layout arrange_="h">
    <layout arrange_="v">
      <layout arrange_="h">
        <widget class_="dropdown" value_="@this_col">
          <colord cols="name,label"/>
        <widget class_="text" text_="has the value" 
        <widget class_="dropdown" value_="@this_val" 
         require_="@this_col" invmode_="hide">
          <issue xml="{@xml_val}"/>
          <tabu breaks="{@this_col}">
            <break col="{@this_col}" sort="up"/>
            <tcol source="{@this_col}" fun="first"/>
        <widget class_="button" type_="submit" 
         submit_="add" text_="Add filter" 
        <widget class_="button" type_="set" 
         value_="@xml_val" newvalue_="{lst()}" 
         text_="Clear" visible_="{lst_len(@xml_val)>0}"/>
      <widget class_="grid">
        <issue xml="{@xml_val}"/>
    <widget label_="Ops:" class_="textbox" 

The following shows the results of running the QuickApp and interacting with it:

In this example, each time the Add filter button is clicked, the <do> clause is executed. The <do> clause builds a <sel> operation using the long form of <set> in conjunction with <quote>. The <sel> operation is constructed using the values selected from the two drop-down widgets. It is then appended to the list that is stored in the dynamic variable xml_val.

Inside the grid widget, the value of the dynamic variable xml_val is specified for the xml_ attribute of the <issue> element. When the <issue> element is expanded, the resultant list of <sel> operations is used as the query for the grid widget.

The dynamic variable xml_val is also specified as the xmlvalue_ attribute for the textbox widget, which displays all of the <sel> operations.

Example: Using the tag_ and attrs_ attributes

In this example, a cross-tabulation on the table pub.demo.retail.item is specified via two separate <issue> elements. The outer <issue> tag is expanded to a <tabu> element with the attributes breaks and cbreaks. The inner <issue> tag is expanded to a <tcol> element with the attributes source and fun. The expansion of the inner <issue> tag is used as the contents of the tag resulting from the expansion of the outer <issue> tag.

<base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<issue tag_="tabu" attrs_="{pkg('breaks''cbreaks';'date''store')}">
  <issue tag_="tcol" attrs_="{pkg('source''fun';'sales''sum')}"/>

This expands to the following code:

<base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<tabu breaks="date" cbreaks="store">
  <tcol source="sales" fun="sum"/>

Running the query results in the following: