
<foreach> creates a set of data transformation operations based on the items in a specified list.


During block code expansion, the contents of the <foreach> construct are inserted as data transformation operations using the values in the list specified to the loop variable. The list can be traversed in either direction, and a tally variable can be used to reference the number of the loop iteration.


<foreach [VAR]="[LIST_OF_ITEMS]" 
 dir_="[forward|reverse]" tally_="[TALLY_VAR]">


The attribute's name is arbitrary and specifies the name of the iterated variable. The value assigned to this variable should be a comma-separated list of strings or numbers.

If empty, it is considered a 0-element list. If it contains no commas, it is considered a 1-element list.

Specifies the direction in which the list is traversed.

Valid values are:

The list is traversed from the first element to the last.
the list is traversed from last to first element.

The default is forward.

Accepts the name of a variable whose value corresponds to the number of the iteration. The value of the variable can be used within the contents of the <foreach> loop on each iteration.

The value of the variable is initially set to 1 and is incremented by 1 on each iteration.


In this example, <foreach> is used to create a set of result columns for a tabulation within a block based on a list of column names. The block calculates the average of the values in each of the columns. The <block> declares a variable cols that accepts a comma-separated list of column names. For each column name in cols, a <tcol> is created within the <tabu> using the column name for the source and name parameters.

The <insert> calls the block named quickavg with the column names sales and cost provided for the cols attribute.

  <block name="quickavg" cols="">
    <if test="{@cols=''}">
        <signal msg="quickavg: must specify cols"/>
      <foreach col="{@cols}">
        <tcol source="{@col}" name="{@col}" fun="avg"/>

<base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<insert block="quickavg" cols="sales,cost"/> 

The query after block code expansion is:

<base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<tabu label="Tabulation">
  <tcol fun="avg" name="sales" source="sales"/>
  <tcol fun="avg" name="cost" source="cost"/>