
<switch> creates a set of conditional statements in which each condition triggers a specific response from the system.


Note: <switch> may be used only within a <block>.

The <switch> construct is an extended for of the <if>/<then> construct that makes it easier to contain conditional logic in the same construct (e.g., using a single <switch> instead of many <if>/<then>) statements.

<switch> has two different versions of its syntax that can be used. The first is bound to a scalar variable using the on attribute in the opening <switch> tag. The second form allows for comparisons to an arbitrary number of scalar variables, or other expressions that resolve to 0 or 1 (otherwise known as a boolean expression).


<switch on="[VAR]"> 
  <case when="{[CONDITION_1]}">  
  <case when="{[CONDITION_2]}">  

This expands to [CONTENTS_1] if [VAR] is [CONDITION_1][CONTENTS_2] if [VAR] is [CONDITION_2], and so on, or [CONTENTS_0] if [VAR] does not match any of the cases.

Note: The <else> clause may be omitted, in which case nothing is inserted if there is no match.

Alternate syntax

  <case when="{[VAR_1][COMPARISON][CONDITION_1]}">  
  <case when="{[VAR_2][COMPARISON][CONDITION_2]}">  
  <case when="{[BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION]}">  

Each of the [CONDITION_1], [CONDITION_2], ... must be 0 or 1. In this version, the first case with when="1" is inserted. If no condition is matched, [CONTENTS_0] is inserted.

Note: The <else> clause may be omitted, in which case nothing is inserted if there is no match.


on specifies the value or variable that each <case> permutation will compare to its specific conditions. Can be any value or may be omitted.

Example: <switch> Form 1

In this example, the base table is pub.demo.retail.item, and the objective is to select any one store in the table or all stores.

<base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<defblock name="storeselect" type="store" store="2">
    <switch on="{@type}">
        <case when="all">
            <note>all stores selected</note>
        <case when="store">
            <sel value="store={@store}"/>
            <signal msg="Please make a selection"/>
<insert block="storeselect" type="store" store="1"/>

<switch> Form 2

The second form of the <switch> statement is ideal for use in cases when the behavior of the query is dependent on more than a single variable, such as basic error checking. In this form, the on attribute is omitted, as follows:

<base table="pub.demo.retail.item"/>
<defblock name="testswitchformtwo" store_select="" sku_select="" 
        <case when="{@store_select=''}">
            <signal msg="You must select a store value"/>
        <case when="{@sku_select=''}">
            <signal msg="You must select a product"/>
        <case when="{@account_select=''}">
            <signal msg="You must select an account"/>
            <sel value="store={@store_select} & sku={@sku_select} 
                        & account={@account_select}"/>
<insert block="testswitchformtwo" store_select="1" sku_select="366" 