Trillion-Row Spreadsheet

The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet (TRS) allows you to visually interact with your data.

The 1010data Insights Platform gives you several options to interact with the system and analyze your data, but when you first get started, you are likely going to spend most of your time in the Trillion-Row Spreadsheet. The TRS is a browser-based web interface that works similarly to many spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel. The interface uses many elements you may already be familiar with, such as folders, navigation icons, and menus.

The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet is accessed by selecting Tools > Trillion-Row Spreadsheet from the workspace menu.

Figure 1. TRS window
A. Analysis pane
The analysis pane occupies the left side of the TRS window. This pane is used to perform an analysis on your data.
B. Results pane
The results pane is displayed on the right side of the TRS window. This pane displays the results of your analysis in spreadsheet format. In addition, this pane also displays charts created in the Visualize tab.
C. Tab bar
The Tab bar contains the options used to perform an analysis and other actions on your data.
D. Hide/Show
To hide the analysis pane, click the Hide () icon on the right side of the pane. This is helpful when you need more space to view your data in the results pane. Click the Show () icon to reveal the analysis pane when it is hidden.
Table 1. Tab bar
Tab Description
Analyze In a new TRS window, this tab displays options for opening objects such as tables and queries. After an object is opened, the Analyze tab displays the Analysis Timeline which provides quick access to perform operations such as summaries, tabulations, and cross tabulations.
Query The Query tab displays the current timeline query as Macro Language XML code. It also provides the ability to undo and redo operations in the timeline.
View Use this tab to select from among the various ways to view and interact with the data resulting from your analysis.
Visualize Create charts based on your data analysis.
Develop This tab allows you to save your query and provides options to further develop your analysis. For example, you can clone the Trillion-Row Spreadsheet and explore different scenarios without losing your original query.
Export Export options to save the results of your analysis in a variety of file types such as CSV and Microsoft Excel.