Open a saved query

Queries saved in the 1010data Insights Platform can be opened directly from the Macro Language Workshop.

Log in to the Insights Platform and open a Macro Language Workshop window.

A query can be saved in the Insights Platform and accessed as an object via the Object Manager, the Trillion-Row Spreadsheet, and the Macro Language Workshop.

To save a query:

  1. Click File > Load.
    The left pane of the Macro Language Workshop displays a file browser.
  2. Browse to the saved query and click it.
    The query object is highlighted and the Load and Base buttons are available.
  3. Open the saved query by doing one of the following:
    • Click Load to open the XML for the query in the left pane of the Macro Language Workshop. The full text of the query will be available in the editor.
    • Click Base to use the results of the saved query as a base table. If this option is selected the full XML text of the query will not be shown in the left pane of the Macro Language Workshop.
The saved query is loaded in the Macro Language Workshop and can be modified.
Run the query.