Render a query

To see the results of a query, it is necessary to select a render option.

Log in to the 1010data Insights Platform and open a Macro Language Workshop window. Then, specify a base table, open a saved query, or write a new Insights Platform query in the current Macro Language Workshop window.
To render a query:
Click Run on the menu bar.
  • Click Render to display the result of the current query in the right pane of the current Macro Language Workshop window.
  • Click Render in <iframe> to display the result of the current query in the right pane of the current Macro Language Workshop window as part of an iFrame. This option is important for QuickApps that make use of themes.
  • Click Render standalone to display the result of the current query as a standalone QuickApp in a new browser tab.
  • Click Render to static HTML target to display the result of the current query as static HTML in a new browser tab.
  • Click Render to PDF target to download the result of the current query as a PDF file.
  • Click Render to XLSX target to download the result of the current query to a Microsoft Excel file.
  • Click Render to Parquet target to download the result of the current query to a Parquet file.
  • Click Render to data target to download the result of the current query as a comma-separated text file.
  • Click Re-export to send the Macro Language code back to the TRS window from which it originated. This option will be available only if you had sent a query from TRS to MLW.
The results of the query that was submitted will be rendered as follows:
The query results are displayed in the right pane.
Render in <iframe>
The query results are displayed in the right pane.
Render standalone
The query results are rendered as a standalone QuickApp in a new browser tab.
Render to static HTML target
The query results are rendered as static HTML in a new browser tab.
Render to PDF target
The query results are rendered and downloaded as a PDF file.
Render to XLSX target
The query results are rendered and downloaded as a Microsoft Excel workbook.
Render to Parquet target
The query results are rendered and downloaded as an Apache Parquet file.
Render to data target
The query results are rendered and downloaded as a delimited text file.
The query results are rendered in the TRS window where the query originated (only appears if the query originated in TRS).
Tip: Use the render button to re-render the query to the same target as the one you previously used. The default value of render is the same as Run > Render. Once you pick a different target, such as Run > Render in <iframe>, the render button changes to iframe.