Profile Information

The Edit profile button brings up the editable user information fields.

Users can edit their profile information. For more information, see Edit your user profile.

First name
User's first name

The user's first name is displayed on the Welcome tab in the Dashboard. The user's full name is displayed on the Profile tab in the User Profile.

Middle initial
User's middle initial

The user's full name is displayed on the Profile tab in the User Profile.

Last name
User's last name

The user's full name is displayed on the Profile tab in the User Profile.

User's email address

The user's email address is displayed on the Profile tab in the User Profile.

User's phone number

The user's phone number is not displayed in the user interface.

User's address

The user's address is not displayed in the user interface.

User's city

The user's city is not displayed in the user interface.

User's state

The user's state is not displayed in the user interface.

Postal code
User's ZIP code

The user's ZIP code is not displayed in the user interface.

User's country

The user's country is not displayed in the user interface.

Profile pic URL
A URL that points to a user's profile picture.

The URL must link to an external source, not to a local machine or to a private server. The profile picture is displayed on the Profile tab in the User Profile.