
This menu provides tools to help you manage problems and identify issues in the Macro Language XML code.

This menu contains the following menu items:
Debug expansion
Displays debugging controls and information in the results pane. The top portion of the results pane provides controls for stepping through your code. The bottom portion of the results pane lists information about the code as it is expanded.
Remove <dynamic> state
Removes the <dynamic> state from your session.

The <dynamic> state is added to your session when a QuickApp is rendered.

Clear all caches
Clearing the cache cleans out your virtual memory so that you have the maximum amount available to your session.
Clear caches then render
Provides a shortcut to clear cache and then render. Once you use this operation, you can use the following render shortcuts to repeat the clear cache/render operation.
  • Ctrl+Enter (PC)
  • Command+Return (Mac)
  • Control+Return (Mac)

(Available as of version 12.20)