
Descriptions of fields, options, and views in the Structure section of the Table Uploader.

The Structure section allows you to define the divisions between columns and rows in the data. Based on the file type and the data contained within, the Table Uploader automatically chooses the structure options. However, if the Table Uploader did not correctly interpret the data, you can change these settings.

The right side of the Table Uploader window displays a preview table of the data based on the settings in the left side of the window. The table preview view is shown in the image below on the left.

You can also choose to view the underlying data of the table in raw text format. The raw view displays the input file data in plain text format with delimiter and end of record characters. The raw view is shown in the image below on the right.

Figure: Structure section in the Table Uploader
The character in the source data used to separate the value in each column.
A comma ( , ) is used to separate the columns in each row of the table.
A tab stop is used to separate the columns in each row of the table.
Note: In the raw view, a tab stop is indicated by the (\t) character.
A space is used to separate the columns in each row of the table.
Note: In the raw view, a space is indicated by the underscore ( _ ) character.
A colon ( : ) is used to separate the columns in each row of the table.
A semicolon ( ; ) is used to separate the columns in each row of the table.
Vertical Bar
A pipe ( | ) is used to separate the columns in each row of the table.
End of Record
The character or characters in the source data used to indicate the end of each row.
Windows Newline
The Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF) row delimiter is used to indicate the end of the row. In the raw view, this is indicated by the (\r\n) characters.
Unix/OSX Newline
The New Line (NL) row delimiter is used to indicate the end of each row. In the raw view, this is indicated by the (\n) character.
MacOS 9 Newline
The Carriage Return (CR) row delimiter is used to indicate the end of each row. In the raw view, this is indicated by the (\r) character.
Skip Rows
The number of rows in the file that are skipped when the table is uploaded.
For example, the first row of a table usually contains column names and not data. To exclude the first row of the table in the upload, enter 1. When the file is uploaded, the Table Uploader will ignore the first row in the table and start uploading the data beginning with the second row.
Note: In the raw view, skipped rows are highlighted in orange.
Raw View
This switch controls whether the table view or the raw view is displayed in the right side of the window. The table view shows a preview of the data based on the settings in the left side of the window. The raw view displays the input file data in plain text format with delimiter and end of record characters.