
These settings determine the appearance of the X, Y, and Z axes and their associated labels and markers.


The following fields and options are available in the X-AXIS tab.

Show X-axis
If Yes, the X-axis will be displayed for the chart; otherwise, the chart will appear without an X-axis.
X-axis color
The color of the X-axis and X-axis markers.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

X-axis size
The font size of the X-axis markers.
Font family
The font family specification for the X-axis markers.
Font weight
The weight or thickness of the X-axis markers.
Font slant
The type of emphasis to be applied to the X-axis markers.
Show X-label
If Yes, the X-axis label will be displayed for the chart; otherwise, the chart will appear without an X-axis label.

If no X-label is specified, but Show X-label? is set to Yes, the column heading associated with the X-axis will be used by default. If multiple columns are specified for the X-axis, no default label will be displayed.

The text to appear under the X-axis.
X-label size
The font size of the X-axis label.
X-label color
The color to be used for the X-axis label.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

X-label background
The color to be used for the background of the X-axis label.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Font family
The font family specification for the X-axis label.
Font weight
The weight or thickness of the X-axis label.
Font slant
The type of emphasis to be applied to the X-axis label.


The following fields and options are available in the Y-AXIS tab.

Show Y-axis
If Yes, the Y-axis will be displayed for the chart; otherwise, the chart will appear without a Y-axis.
Y-axis color
The color of the Y-axis and Y-axis markers.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Y-axis size
The font size of the Y-axis markers.
Font family
The font family specification for the Y-axis markers.
Font weight
The weight or thickness of the Y-axis markers.
Font slant
The type of emphasis to be applied to the Y-axis markers.
Show Y-label
If Yes, the Y-axis label will be displayed for the chart; otherwise, the chart will appear without a Y-axis label.

If no Y-label is specified, but Show Y-label? is set to Yes, the column heading associated with the Y-axis will be used by default. If multiple columns are specified for the Y-axis, no default label will be displayed.

The text to appear next to the Y-axis.
Y-label size
The font size of the Y-axis label.
Y-label color
The color to be used for the Y-axis label.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Y-label background
The color to be used for the background of the Y-axis label.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Font family
The font family specification for the Y-axis label.
Font weight
The weight or thickness of the Y-axis label.
Font slant
The type of emphasis to be applied to the Y-axis label.


The following fields and options are available in the Y-AXIS2 tab.

Show Y-axis
If Yes, the Y-axis will be displayed for the chart; otherwise, the chart will appear without a Y-axis.
Y-axis color
The color of the Y-axis and Y-axis markers.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Y-axis size
The font size of the Y-axis markers.
Font family
The font family specification for the Y-axis markers.
Font weight
The weight or thickness of the Y-axis markers.
Font slant
The type of emphasis to be applied to the Y-axis markers.
Show Y-label
If Yes, the Y-axis label will be displayed for the chart; otherwise, the chart will appear without a Y-axis label.

If no Y-label is specified, but Show Y-label? is set to Yes, the column heading associated with the Y-axis will be used by default. If multiple columns are specified for the Y-axis, no default label will be displayed.

The text to appear next to the Y-axis.
Y-label size
The font size of the Y-axis label.
Y-label color
The color to be used for the Y-axis label.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Y-label background
The color to be used for the background of the Y-axis label.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Font family
The font family specification for the Y-axis label.
Font weight
The weight or thickness of the Y-axis label.
Font slant
The type of emphasis to be applied to the Y-axis label.


The following fields and options are available in the Z-AXIS tab.

Show Z-axis
If Yes, the Z-axis will be displayed for the chart; otherwise, the chart will appear without a Z-axis.
Z-axis color
The color of the Z-axis and Z-axis markers.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Z-axis size
The font size of the Z-axis markers.
Font family
The font family specification for the Z-axis markers.
Font weight
The weight or thickness of the Z-axis markers.
Font slant
The type of emphasis to be applied to the Z-axis markers.
Show Z-label
If Yes, the Z-axis label will be displayed for the chart; otherwise, the chart will appear without a Z-axis label.

If no Z-label is specified, but Show Z-label? is set to Yes, the column heading associated with the Z-axis will be used by default. If multiple columns are specified for the Z-axis, no default label will be displayed.

The text to appear next to the Z-axis.
Z-label size
The font size of the Z-axis label.
Z-label color
The color to be used for the Z-axis label.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Z-label background
The color to be used for the background of the Z-axis label.

The color can be selected using the color picker or can be specified as any valid HTML color name, an RGB value, or a hex value.

Font family
The font family specification for the Z-axis label.
Font weight
The weight or thickness of the Z-axis label.
Font slant
The type of emphasis to be applied to the Z-axis label.