Headers section menu options

The Headers section menu provides options for updating column names and labels in bulk.

The menu in the Headers section is accessed by right-clicking a cell in the table on the right side of the Table Uploader window.

Figure: Menu options in the Headers section of the Table Uploader
Use this column as Names
Assigns the contents of the column in which you right-clicked as the column names in the table.
Note: Column data used as names is automatically updated to follow proper naming conventions.
Use this column as Labels
Assigns the contents of the column in which you right-clicked as the column labels in the table.
Convert Selection to UPPER CASE
Changes all letters in the selected cells to capital letters.
Convert Selection to lower case
Changes all letters in the selected cells to small letters.
Convert Selection to Proper Case
Changes the content in the selected cells as follows:
  • Removes leading and trailing spaces
  • Reduces multiple spaces between characters to a single space
  • Changes the first letter following a space to a capital letter
  • Changes all other letters to small letters