More Options

More Options () allows you to create chart labels, axis labels, and customize other elements of the chart.

Figure: More Options

More Options consists of the following:

Plot Title
The title of the chart.
X Axis Label
The label for the X-axis, such as Year in a chart that shows yearly sales.
Y Axis Label
The label for the Y-axis, such as Sales in a chart that shows yearly sales.
Chart Elements
Show Legends
Select to show the chart legend in the lower right corner of the chart.
Show Chart Toolbar
Select to show the chart toolbar, such as the zoom in tools and the save tool.
Show Data Tooltips
Select to show details when you hover over the data point.
X Grid Lines
Select to show vertical grid lines along the X-axis (if applicable).
Y Grid Lines
Select to show horizontal grid lines along the Y-axis (if applicable).
X Scale Type
Use a linear or log scale for the X-axis (if applicable).
Y Scale Type
Use a linear or log scale for the Y-axis (if applicable).
Plot Layouts
Layout Dimensions
From the drop-down list, select whether you want a 1x1 grid (the default value), a 1x2 grid, or a 2x2 grid. You can then customize each grid in the results pane.
Selected Plot
If using a 1x2 or 2x2 grid, select the plot to apply changes to each plot. If you are using the default 1x1 grid, grid 1 is automatically selected.