Unsubscribe from a multi-user job (owner or admin only)

If you are a multi-user job owner or administrator, you can unsubscribe yourself or other users from the job.

Note: If you are not the owner or administrator of a multi-user job, you cannot edit or unsubscribe from it. Please ask the administrator or owner of the job to unsubscribe you.

When you unsubscribe, the job continues to appear in the Scheduled Jobs list but it is not run by your user ID while you are unsubscribed. You can resubscribe to an unsubscribed multi-user job at any time.

To unsubscribe from a multi-user job:

  1. On the Existing Scheduled Jobs tab, find the job that you want to unsubscribe from. Note that the status of the job is Subscribed.
  2. Click once on the status of Subscribed.
    A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm unsubscribing from the job.
  3. Click Confirm in the dialog box.
    The status of the job changes to Unsubscribed.
    Note: To resubscribe to the job, simply click the Unsubscribed status and confirm resubscribing to the job.