Use the timeline to hide or show columns

You can hide or show hidden columns in your table.

You can remove columns from view in a table, which can be particularly helpful for tables that have many columns. In addition, you can choose to show previously hidden columns.

To hide or show columns:

  1. In the New operation panel, click Arrange.
    The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet displays the Arrange columns panel.

  2. Optionally, to view the column name instead of the column label, select the Show with column name option.
  3. Perform any of the following actions to customize your table view:
    To hide a column Drag the column from the Columns section to the Hidden section.
    To show a hidden column Drag the column from the Hidden section to the Columns section.
    To hide all columns Click Hide All.
    To show all columns Click Show All.
    Use the filter () to find a particular column in a table with many columns.
  4. Click the Submit operation () icon.
    The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet hides or shows the appropriate columns in the table.