Value criteria options in the Quick find menu

The Quick find menu provides options for finding rows based on the value of a cell in the grid.

The find row value criteria options are accessed by right-clicking a cell in the Grid view, pointing to Quick find, and then pointing to a row location option in the menu.
Note: In this topic, [COLUMN_LABEL] represents the label of the column in which the selected cell is located and [CELL_VALUE] represents the value contained in the selected cell.
Figure: Value criteria options in the Quick find menu
The options in this menu allow you to find a row in the grid based on the cell value. Rows that match the selected value criteria option will be highlighted in the grid.
Note: Available value criteria options are specific to the selected cell.

The following find row value criteria options are available:

[COLUMN_LABEL] has the value [CELL_VALUE]
Highlights rows in the grid that have the same value, within the same column, as the selected cell.
[COLUMN_LABEL] does not have the value [CELL_VALUE]
Highlights rows in the grid that do not have the same value, within the same column, as the selected cell.
Highlights rows in the grid, within the same column as the selected cell, that contain an N/A value.
Highlights rows in the grid, within the same column as the selected cell, that contain anything other than an N/A value.
[COLUMN_LABEL] is greater than [CELL_VALUE]
Highlights rows in the grid that have a larger value, within the same column, as the selected cell.
[COLUMN_LABEL] is less than [CELL_VALUE]
Highlights rows in the grid that have a smaller value, within the same column, as the selected cell.