Link in a table

You can link in another 1010data Insights Platform table to the current table or worksheet.

To link in a table:

  1. Open the Link tables panel by doing one of the following:
    • In the New operation panel, click Link.
    • In the grid, right-click a cell within the column on which you want to base the link and click Link on [COLUMN_LABEL].
    Note: In this topic, [COLUMN_LABEL] represents the label of the column in which the selected cell is located.
    The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet displays the object browser in the Link tables panel. For convenience, the Link tables panel opens the current base table's folder, if possible.

    Note: The Link tables panel available in the grid is visually different from the panel in the Analysis Timeline. While the panels vary slightly from one another, the available fields and functionality is identical. For illustration purposes, this topic shows images of the Link tables panel as it appears in the timeline.
  2. Optionally, in the Suffix field at the bottom of the object browser, enter a suffix.
    While not required, this field is highly recommended as it differentiates the column names from the two tables you are linking.

    The suffix may be any alphanumeric value and may contain underscores. In the resultant worksheet, the suffix will be appended to the column names of the foreign table, which you are linking in, and is useful when linking tables or worksheets that contain similarly-named columns. For example, if you are viewing your Sales Item Detail table and want to link in your Product Master table, you might append a suffix of _PM to the columns from Product Master in the resultant table.

    In this example, a column named class in the Product Master table is named class_PM in the resultant worksheet. Any reference to these columns (e.g., when creating a computed column) would use the column names with the suffix.

  3. Select the foreign table by doing one of the following:
    • In the object browser, locate and select the foreign table.
    • In the Table path field, enter the table name and press Enter.

    The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet displays the column view of the Link tables panel.

  4. In the Link type drop-down list, select the type of link you want to perform.
    For more information, see Link types.
  5. From the first section, which correspond to and lists the current table or worksheet title, drag the column or columns you want to link on into the section directly to the right.
    This is the column from the table or worksheet you currently have open.

  6. From the last section, which correspond to and lists the foreign table, drag the column or columns you want to match to those specified in the previous step to the section directly to the left.
    This is the column from the foreign table.

    Note: In the Link tables panel, you can only perform a link between columns with identical data types. The columns Item SKU and SKU can be linked because they are both integer data types.
  7. Optionally, to include only specific columns from the foreign table in the resultant worksheet, complete the following:
    1. Click the More Options switch.
      The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet displays the more options view of the Link tables panel.

    2. Move the columns you want to exclude from the Include section to the Exclude section.
      For a list of fields and options, see Include or exclude column options.
  8. Click the Submit operation () icon.
    The Trillion-Row Spreadsheet links the foreign table into the current table or worksheet and displays the columns from the two combined.
The result of a link is a dynamic table that may be manipulated just like any other table. You may select rows, sort rows, rearrange columns, create computed columns, link in other tables, perform summarizations or tabulations, or apply any other kind of analysis.