Simple comparisons relationship options

When performing a simple comparison in the Select rows panel, the relationship options define the association between a column and a value in the resulting selection expression.

The Relationship drop-down list contains the options used to specify the association (e.g., equal to, greater than, contains, etc.) between a column and a value. The options available in the list are dependent on the data type of the selected column. For more information about data types, see Data types.

When the select operation is submitted, the 1010data Insights Platform searches the selected column for the specified value, or values, and displays the appropriate rows in the grid.
Note: Values in text columns are case sensitive.

The following relationship options are available when performing a simple comparison in the Select rows panel.

Table 1. Relationship options
Relationship Applicable data types Description
= (has the value)
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column is identical to the specified value are displayed in the grid.
(does not have the value)
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column contains anything other than the specified value are displayed in the grid.
> (is greater than)
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where the data in the selected column is greater than the specified value are displayed in the grid.
(is greater than or equal to)
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where the data in the selected column is greater than or equal to the specified value are displayed in the grid.
< (is less than)
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where the data in the selected column is less than the specified value are displayed in the grid.
(is less than or equal to)
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where the data in the selected column is less than or equal to the specified value are displayed in the grid.
is between
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where the data in the selected column is between, or equal to, the specified values are displayed in the grid.
is not between
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where the data in the selected column is not between, or equal to, the specified values are displayed in the grid.
  • text
Rows where the data in the selected column contain the entered text string are displayed in the grid.
does not contain
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column does not contain the entered text string are displayed in the grid.
begins with
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column begins with the entered text string are displayed in the grid.
does not begin with
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column does not begin with the entered text string are displayed in the grid.
ends with
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column ends with the entered text string are displayed in the grid.
does not end with
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column does not end with the entered text string are displayed in the grid.
is N/A
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where the selected column contains an N/A value are displayed in the grid.
is not N/A
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where the selected column contains anything other than an N/A value are displayed in the grid.
is one of
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column is identical to any one of the specified values are displayed in the grid.

When selected, this option allows you specify multiple values in the same Value field. For more information, see Specifying a list of values in a selection.

is not one of
  • integer
  • big integer
  • decimal
  • text
Rows where data in the selected column contains anything other than the specified values are displayed in the grid.

When selected, this option allows you specify multiple values in the same Value field. For more information, see Specifying a list of values in a selection.

  • text
Rows where text matches the specified wildcard pattern are displayed in the grid.

The following wildcard patterns may be used:

  • An asterisk (*) represents any zero or more characters.

    For example, 'ab*c' matches 'abc' and 'abwc' and 'abxyzc'.

  • A question mark (?) represents any single character.

    For example, 'ab?c' matches 'abwc' and 'abxc' but not 'abxyzc'.

  • Square brackets ([]) serve two functions:
    1. The contents of the brackets represents a choice of characters. 

      For example, 'ab[cd]e' matches either 'abce' or 'abde'.

      A ^ before the characters in the brackets will match any character except those characters in the brackets.

      For example, '[^abc]def' means that the first character can be any character except a, b, or c. 'ddef', 'edef', 'fdef', and so on would be a match.

    2. Any special character appearing within brackets is taken at face value and not treated as special. 

      For example, 'ab[*]c' matches 'ab*c' but not 'abwc'. To match the character "[", use '[[]'.

does not match
  • text
Rows where text does not match the specified wildcard pattern are displayed in the grid.
matches RE
  • text
Rows where text matches the specified regular expression are displayed in the grid.
does not match RE
  • text
Rows where text does not match the specified regular expression are displayed in the grid.